
Download presentations from past events.

Association of Towns 2020 Annual Meeting & Training School: State and Federal Funding, Financing, and Resources for Municipal Infrastructure Roundtable Discussion

February 17, 2020

NYCOM Fall Conference

September 19, 2019

Local Leaders Conference

April 2-3, 2019

Association of Towns 2019 Annual Meeting & Training School: State and Federal Funding, Financing, and Resources for Municipal Infrastructure Roundtable Discussion

February 19, 2019

Smart Management for Small Communities: Practical Resources for Governance

April 24-26, 2018 (Blue Mountain Lake, NY)

State and Federal Funding, Financing, and Resources for Municipal Infrastructure Roundtable

April 17, 2018 (Albany, NY)

March 15, 2018 (Syracuse, NY)

Smart Management for Small Communities: Practical Resources for Governance

April 25-27 2017 (Blue Mountain Lake, NY)


State and Federal Resources Roundtable
Carole Sitterly | Assistant Financial Development Manager, NYS EFC
Michael Montysko P.E. | Chief of Design Section, NYS DOH
Howard Kunz | Community Program Specialist, USDA
Christopher Grant | Local Government Specialist, NYS DOS
Charlie Philion | Program Director of Community Development, NYS EFC

Documenting Income Eligibility for Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Funding Programs
Candace Balmer, Water Resource Specialist, RCAP Solutions

Plastic Discards in Rural Watersheds: Impacts and Solutions
Lisa Ruggero, Program Coordinator, SU-EFC


Workforce Development 101
Khris Dodson, Associate Director, SU-EFC

Who’s going to pay for this!?- Financing Water Resource Management
Jen Cotting, Research Associate, Maryland EFC

UAV/Drone Use: Impact for Local Government and Law Enforcement
Mickey Kietrich, GIS Specialist, NYS Tug Hill Commission

Resiliency in an Uncertain Future: Strategies for Planning for the Unknown, Financing Infrastructure, and Fostering Healthy Communities
Sarah Diefendorf, EFC West; Brandy Espinola, Maryland EFC


Making Comp Plans More Affordable: the Allegany Training School Project
Diana Smith, Business Development Director, MRB Group

Municipal Security
Jim Allard, Steuben County Sheriff

Webinar Series: Resources, Assistance, and Financing to Improve Your Municipal Operations

January-February 2017 (Online)

January 26 – Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and its Utility for Municipalities Webinar


Rural Water Resiliency: Infrastructure and Watershed Management, Regulatory Environment, and Financial Preparedness – A Three-Part Webinar Series

April-May 2016 (Online)

April 21 – Rural Water Resiliency Series Part 1:Webinar: Rural Water Resiliency through Watershed and Roadway-Stream Intersection Management
May 12 – Rural Water Resiliency Series Part 2: Planning for the New(est) Definition of Federal Waters of the United States (WOTUS)
May 26 – Rural Water Resiliency Series Part 3: Financing Resilient Communities


Smart Management for Small Communities: Practical Resources for Governance 2016

April 26-28, 2016 (Blue Mountain Lake, NY)


Sustainable Stormwater Management for Local Roadways and Drainage Systems
Geoff Scott, Technical Assistance Engineer, Cornell Local Roads Program

State and Federal Resource Roundtable
Brian McClintock | Public Finance Manager, NYS EFC
Brian Murray | Central/Northern NY Area Director, USDA
Kyle Wilber | Municipal Management Consultant, NYS DOS
Scott LaMountain | CDBG Community Developer, NYS HCR
Joseph Pultorak | Hazard Mitigation Specialist, FEMA

Grant Writing and Applying to the Consolidated Funding Application
Khris Dodson, Associate Director, SU-EFC


Preparing and Protecting Your Infrastructure for Disaster Mitigation
Scott LaMountain | CDBG Community Developer, NYS HCR

Stormwater Asset Management Planning
Khris Dodson | Associate Director, SU-EFC

Leadership Tools for Resiliency in Rural Communities (Coming Soon)
Sarah Diefendorf | Director, EFC West

State of Emergency Simulation
Michelle Wright | Deputy Supervisor, Town of Ulysses
Patrick LaBuff | Congressional Staffer and Emergency Management Consultant


Effective Messaging PP1 | PP2
Sarah Diefendorf | Director, EFC West

Open Source Community GIS
Mickey Dietrich | GIS Specialist, NYS Tug Hill Commission

Emerging GIS
Mickey Dietrich | NYS GIS Association

Extended Producer Responsibility, Organics and Waste 360
Sally Rowland, Bureau of Waste Reduction and Recycling, NYSDEC


Long-Term Flood Resiliency

Wednesday October 14, 2015 (Big Flats) and Friday, October 16, 2015 (Skaneateles)

Real Flooding Stories, Protocol, and Lessons Learned in Onondaga County
Daniel Wears | Commissioner, Onondaga County Department of Emergency Management

Sustainable Stormwater Management for Local Roadways and Drainage Systems
Geoffrey Scott | Technical Assistance Engineer, Cornell Local Roads Program

A Green Infrastructure Approach to Community Resiliency Planning and Additional Benefits of Watershed Management (Big Flats) | (Skaneateles)
Jennifer Cotting | Research Associate, Environmental Finance Center, University of Maryland
Khris Dodson | Associate Director, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center

The Rest of the Story on Chemung County Flooding
Mark Watts | District Manager, Chemung County SWCD

Resilient Watersheds – The Funnel, The Sponge, and The Slide
Janet Thigpen | Flood Mitigation Specialist, STCRPDB
Coming Soon

Thursday, April 16, 2015 (Ithaca)

Long Term Flood Resiliency for Communities: A Watershed Management Approach
Kim Sherwood | Watershed Consultant for Chautauqua, NY

So, You Say You Want To Manage Stormwater
Jennifer Cotting | University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center
Khris Dodson | Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center

Managing Stormwater for Improved Resiliency of Roadways and Drainage Systems
Geoffrey Scott, P.E. | Cornell Local Roads Program

Recovering from a Natural Disaster – Lessons Learned from Penn Yann Flooding
Steve Griffin, C.E.O. | Finger Lakes Economic Development Center


USDA-RD Consulting Engineers Statewide Training 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Construction Bids, Contracts, Meetings, Change Orders, Closeout
John T. Helgren, P.E. | USDA-RD

Construction Documents
Marcy A. Newman, P.E. | USDA-RD

USDA-RD New York State Program Overview
Titus J. Falkenburg, P.E. | USDA-RD

Preliminary Engineering Report
Marcy A. Newman, P.E. | USDA-RD

Engineering Agreements and Amendments
John T. Helgren, P.E. | USDA-RD

Brenda McKeown | USDA-RD


City of Binghamton 50/50 Stormwater Management Fund

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

50/50 Stormwater Management Fund Background
Leigh McCullen | City of Binghamton

Stormwater Ordinances and SWPPPs
John Furlong | City of Binghamton

Green Infrastructure: A Truly Public Utility
Khris Dodson | Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center

Green Infrastructure Details, Application and Maintenance Requirements
John Dunkle | Dunn and Sgromo Engineers


Great Lakes Basin Webinar Series

What Successful Grantees Know That You May Not
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Grantwriting 101
Khris Dodson | Associate Director, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center

NYSDEC Great Lakes Basin Funding Tips
Emily Sheridan / Don Zelazny | NYSDEC Great Lakes Program

Show Me the Money! Undestanding Upcoming Funding Opportunities
Monday, May 12, 2014

The REDCs and You
Khris Dodson | Associate Director, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center

Upcoming Federal and State Grants
Shannon Dougherty | Great Lakes Watershed Coordinator, NYSDEC

The Why’s, How’s and ‘What’s in it for me’ of Watershed Management
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What is DEC’s Great Lakes Watershed Program
Don Zelazny and Shannon Dougherty | NYSDEC

Watershed Education for Municipal Officials*
Kim Sherwood | Hydrologist and Watershed Planner
(*slides unavailable – contact Kim Sherwood,


Smart Management for Small Communities: Practical Resources for Governance
Minnowbrook Conference Center, Blue Mountain Lake, NY
April 22-24, 2014

Leadership Development Part One: Telling Your Story and Conversation Mapping
Sarah Diefendorf | Executive Director, EFCWest
Lauralee Barbaria | Associate Director, EFCWest

NYS EFC Program Updates
Matthew Driscoll | President and CEO, NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation

The REDCs and You
Lydia Brinkley | Research Specialist, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center

Grant Writing 101
Khris Dodson | Associate Director, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center


More Ways to Target Municipal Efficiency
Connie Sowards | Project Manager, MRB Group
Diana Smith | Director of Business Development, MRB Group

Federal and State Funding Roundtable
USDA RD – Tracy Sigouin | Community Programs Specialist
NYS EFC – Jason Denno | Environmental Project Manager
NYS DOS – Sean Maguire, AICP | Regional Project Manager
NYS HCR – Charlie Philion | Senior Community Developer
NYSERDA – George Mauch | Business Advisor

An Engineer’s and Fabricator’s Perspective on Using Precast Concrete for Salt Storage
Matt Cooper, P.E. | Principal, The Bernier Carr Group
Bob Siver | Operations Manager, Jefferson Concrete Corp.

Leadership Development Part Two: Effective Messaging and Powerful Presentations
Sarah Diefendorf | Executive Director, EFCWest
Lauralee Barbaria | Associate Director, EFCWest


Planning with Geospatial Information Systems
Katie Malinowski | Associate Director of Natural Resources, NYS Tug Hill Commission
Mickey Dietrich | GIS Specialist, NYS Tug Hill Commission

Disaster Mitigation, Lessons Learned from Herkimer County
Bill Rabbia | Executive Director, Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority
George Cryer | Deputy Mayor, Village of Mohawk

Invasive Species and Your Community
Hilary Smith | Director, Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program
Lindsey Gerstenslager | District Manager, WCSWCD


Community Summit on Green Infrastructure | Syracuse, NY | October 20-22, 2013

Community Dialogue- Project Clean Lake: Great Lake, Great Future
Matt Millea, Deputy County Executive, County of Onondaga
Matt Marko, Vice President, CH2M Hill, Inc.

Urban Retrofit Public Private Partnership Model: “Building Green Infrastructure, Jobs and Wealth”
Larry Coffman, Deputy Director, Prince George’s County Department of Environmental Resources

Green Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance in the City of Los Angeles
Adel Hagekhalil, Assistant Director, Bureau of Sanitation, City of Los Angeles

Milwaukee’s Sustainable Green Vision
Kevin Shafer, Executive Director, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District


Smart Management for Small Communities: Practical Resources for Governance

Minnowbrook Conference Center, Blue Mountain Lake
April 23-25, 2013


Area Planning to Facilitate Economic Development
Jane Nicholson, AICP, Senior Planner and Dan Kwasnowski, AICP, Director of Planning, Town of Dryden

Succession Planning Basics
Jon Ruff, P.E., Environmental Manager, City of Plattsburgh

EPR; a New Solution for Old Waste Problems
Marjorie Torelli, Administrator, New York Product Stewardship Council

EFC Program Announcements

Funding Update: Part I
NYS DOS: Sean Maguire, AICP, Land Use Training Specialist, NYS DOS


Funding Green Infrastructure
Suzanna Randall, AICP, Green Infrastructure Coordinator, NYS EFC

Operations and Budgeting in the Tax-Cap Era: How to Target – and Communicate – Efficiency
Diana Smith, Director of Business Development and Connie Sowards, Project Manager, MRB Group

Funding Update: Part II
NYSERDA: Kimberly DesChamp, Regional Outreach Coordinator, CITEC, Inc.
USDA Rural Development: Tracy Sigouin, Community Programs Specialist, USDA Rural Development

Strategic Planning Case Histories for Achieving Net-Zero Energy Goal at Upstate NY Communities
Ram Shrivastava, P.E., LEED® AP, President, Larsen Engineers

Planning Board 101
Khris Dodson, Senior Program Manager, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center


Facilitation and Public Engagement Exercise
Meeting Facilitation and Conflict Resolution: Melissa Young, Senior Program Manager, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center
Hamlet Development Exercise: Khris Dodson, Senior Program Manager, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center

Wastewater Handbook for Local Elected Officials: Second Edition
Khris Dodson, Senior Program Manager, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center

Funding Updates: Part III
NYS EFC: Jason C. Denno, Environmental Project Manager, NYS EFC


TAPF: Watershed Governance: Top-down, Bottom-up & Sideways Approaches to Local Watershed Management

Binghamton, NY
September 6, 2012

Watershed Governance Panel Discussion
Craig Cashman, Executive Director, Watershed Agricultural Council: Watershed Governance
Jim Curatolo, Watershed Coordinator, Upper Susquehanna Coalition: Innovative Approaches for Watershed Management
Tom Beauduy, Deputy Executive Director and Counsel, Susquehanna River Basin Commission: The Interstate Compact Approach To Watershed Governance

USDA Rural Development Funding
Titus Falkenburg, Program Director, USDA Rural Development: Infrastructure Funding Update

New York State Funding Updates
Kyle Wilber, Municipal Management Consultant, NYS Department of State
Terry Deuel, Environmental Project Manager, NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation: NYS Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program Updates
Santoras “Dee” Gamble, NYSERDA Energy $mart Communities Coordinator, Southern Tier Region: NYSERDA Commercial and Industrial Incentive Programs


Smart Management for Small Communities: Practical Resources for Governance

Minnowbrook Conference Center, Blue Mountain Lake
April 10-12, 2012

Welcome and Program Sharing
Melissa Young, Program Manager, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center

Tools for Public Outreach and Engagement
Carissa Matthews, Outreach Program Manager, and Khris Dodson, Program Manager, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center: Free Web Tools for Public Reach and Engagement

Funding Updates: Part I
Kyle Wilber, Municipal Management Consultant, NYS Department of State
Kitty White, Community Educator, North Country Energy $mart Communities: NCE$C

Rural Smart Growth
Khris Dodson, Program Manager, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center: Rural Smart Growth

Leveraging Academic Institutions for Sustainable Community Development
Lisa B. Cleckner, Director, Finger Lakes Institute: Leveraging Academic Institutions for Sustainable Community Development

Community Level Agricultural Planning and Watershed Management
Lindsey Gerstenstager, District Manager, Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District: Community Level Watershed Management Planning

The Local Leader’s Role in Whole Farm Planning and Water Quality
Nate Townsend, Conservation Planner, Watershed Agricultural Council: The Local Leader’s Role in Whole Farm Planning and Water Quality

Managing Municipal Solid Waste at the County and Local Level:
Part 1: Challenges and Experiences- Facilitated by Melissa Young
Part 2: Municipal Case Studies

Sarah Garvan, Program Specialist- Solid Waste, Westchester County Department of Environmental Facilities
James Saroodis, Superintendent of Public Works, Village of Weedsport
Bill Rabbia, Executive Director, Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority
MJ Wilson and Mark Gilliland, Green Policy Task Force Members, Village of Irvington: Autumn Leaves: Love ‘Em and Leave ‘Em

Part 3: Sustainable Materials Management Expert Panel Q&A

Gary Feinland, Environmental Program Specialist, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Dianne Woske, Regional Representative, New York State Association of Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling
Bill Rabbia, Secretary, New York State Association for Solid Waste Management

Funding Updates: Part II
Tracy Sigouin, Community Programs Specialist, USDA Rural Development: Infrastructure Funding Update
Charlie Philion, Community Developer, NYS Office of Community Renewal: NYS Community Development Block Grant Program

Capital Improvement Planning Activity
Khris Dodson, Program Manager, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center: Capital Improvement Planning

Asset Management Tools
Timothy Taber, Senior Managing Engineer, Barton & LoGuidice: Assessment Management Concepts and Tools


TAPF: Wetlands, Watersheds and Resources: A Primer on Constructed Wetlands & CFA Funding Updates

Syracuse, NY
March 22, 2012

Constructed Wetlands Panel Discussion
Dr. Rick Smardon, Dept. of Environmental Studies, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry: Treatment Wetland Research & Implementation in Central New York
Tara Dougherty, P.E., Conestoga Rovers Associates: Wastewater Treatment Wetlands
John Dunkle, P.E., CPESC, CPSWQ, Dunn and Sgromo Engineers: The Wonder of the Wetlands

USDA Funding – Farmable Wetland & Rural Development Programs
Ginny Green, Program Specialist, USDA Farm Service Agency: Conservation Reserve Program
Titus Falkenburg, Community Programs Director, USDA Rural Development: Infrastructure Funding Update

Consolidated Funding Application: Lessons Learned and Updates
Matthew Driscoll, President and CEO, NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation: The New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation
Sean M. Maguire, AICP, Division of Local Government Services New York State Department of State: Funding Your Community Development Opportunities
Jim Fayle, Director, NYS Empire State Development Central New York Office: Environmental Finance Center’s Technical Assistance Partnership Forum


Growing Green Infrastructure in New York

Syracuse, NY
November 16-17, 2011

Morning Welcome
Khris Dodson, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center: Green Infrastructure: A Truly Public Utility

Green Roofs
Marguerite Wells, Motherplants: Green Roofs: The Nitty Gritty
Mallory Squier, Syracuse University: Use of Green Infrastructure to Reduce Stormwater Runoff
Jorg Breuning, Green Roof Service LLC: 30 Years of Green Roofs: What Works and What to Look Out For

Lessons Learned/ Case Studies
Sandra Allen, NYS Environmental Facilities Corp.: Overview of the Green Innovation Grant Program
Larry Levine, Natural Resources Defence Council: Lessons Learned from Municipal Green Infrastructure Programs

Thoughtful Design
Emily Vail, NYS DEC: Addressing Barriers to Green Infrastructure in the Hudson River Estuary Watershed
Kris Dimmick, Bernier Carr Group: Integrating GI into Wastewater Treatment Plant Designs in Sackets Harbor
Shohreh Karimipour, NYS DEC: Computational Methods for Green Infrastructure Design

Featured Speaker
Charlie Miller, Roofmeadow: Green Roof Hydrology

Porous Pavement
Erin Reynolds, Klepper, Hahn and Hyatt: An overview of Porous Paving Materials
Greg Novitzky, NY Construction Materials Association : Porous Paving Materials Training (Session qualifies for 2.0 PDHs)

Integrating GI into Urban Communities
Mike Gridley, C&S Companies: Syracuse Creekwalk: Green Infrastructure in the Urban Core
John Donohue, Barton & Loguidice: Integrating Green Infrastructure Into Existing Communities
Ning Sun, SUNY ESF: Adding a Module to the U.S. EPA SWMM 5.0 Model to Analyze the Impact of Green Infrastructure on Urban Storm Water Runoff in Syracuse, NY
Mark Bogdan, Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper: Buffalo Green Streets Pilot Projects: CSO No. 60 Green Infrastructure

Innovative Practices
Tara Dougherty, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates: Treatment Wetlands as Infrastructure
Stephen Harris, Syracuse-Onondaga Arborist: Integrating Trees with Design
Philip Reidy, Geosyntec Consultants: Real‐time Monitoring and Control of Distributed Green Infrastructure: The New Face of Performance and Compliance Monitoring
Jeffrey Budzich, We Care Companies: Compost Use in Green Infrastructure


Smart Management for Small Communities: Practical Resources for Governance

Ellicottvile, NY
October 6-7, 2011

Thursday, October 6:
David Bubniak, Southern Tier Central RPDB: Creating a Web-based GIS Data Sharing Newtork for the Southern Tier Central Region
Titus Falkenburg, USDA Rural Development: Infrastructure Funding Update
Robert Roeckle, NYS DOS: DOS and ARC Funding Updates

Friday, October 7:
Diane Fiorentino, Chemung County Stormwater Coalition: Stormwater Management- Working Within a Permit
Khris Dodson, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center: Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management
Amanda Westerdahl, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center: Green Project Exchange
Suzanne Wolf, Honeoye Falls-Mendon Chamber of Comerce: Twice is Nice program
Andrew Casolini, Wendel Companies: Sustainable Improvements for Municipal Water and Wastewater Facilities
J.C. Smith, Environmental Facilities Corporation: Green Innovation Grant Program Overview
David Vitale, NYS DEC: Sustainable Materials Management
Tim Taber, Barton & Loguidice: Asset Management for Local Officials
Dr. Tim Fahey, Cornell University: Carbon and Communities
Wendy Sanfilippo, WNY Energy Smart Communities Coordinator: NYSERDA Updates


Capital District Local Government Planning and Zoning Workshop

Troy, New York
June 15, 2011

Melissa Young: Exploring Asset Management: Key Concepts and Resources
Timothy Taber: Asset Management: Answering the 5 Core Questions
Khris Dodson: Save the Rain Program Overview


Smart Management for Small Communities: Practical Resources for Governance

Blue Mountain Lake, NY
April 27-29, 2011

Melissa Young: Smarter Public Management
Matthew Driscoll: NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation Funding Updates
Melissa Young: Local Level Sustainable Materials Management
Katherine Bourbeau: Many Happy Returns – Product Stewardship in New York State
Linda Christopher: Compostable Organics Out of Landfills
Ram Shrivastava: Energy Independence
Jean Bonhotal: Composting: Product, Tool, Opportunity
Gary Feinland: Managing Organics at the Local Level
James Juczak: Saving Energy in Your Municipality
Diane Perley and Chris Nill: Rate Setting for Financing Infrastructure Costs
Sara Pesek: Green Project Exchange
Carissa Matthews: Save the Rain with Green Infrastructure
Charlie Philion: NYS Community Block Grant Program 2011 Annual Competitive Application


Farms, Folks, and Funding: Cultivating Leadership Through Research and Practice

Canandaigua, NY
April 13, 2011

Jean Bonhotal: Energy in Ag and Organic Residuals
Robert King: Grow Monroe: Eat Fresh, Buy Local
Geof Milz: Planning for Agriculture in New York State
Charlie Greene: Wetland Restoration
Aaron Ristow: Upper Susquehanna Coalition
Ron Entringer: Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
Creg Ivsion: Conservation and Farm Loan Programs
Judy Wright: Strengthening Agriculture’s Role in Protecting Water Quality in the Owasco Lake Watershed
Mike Dimpfl: The Skaneateles Lake Watershed Composting Toilet Project
Paul Richards: The Oak Orchard Soil Water Assessment Tool: A Support System for Wastershed Management
Bianca Moebius-Clune: Adaptive N Management: Using Adapt-N Incorporating the Water Component
Ram Shrivastava: Energy Independent Dairy Farms
Andy Cheung: Design of a Solar Operated Pump and Watering System


Greening the Gray: Innovative Infrastructure Solutions and Funding Updates

Syracuse, NY
March 23, 2011

Jennifer Abdella: Legal Context for Green Infrastructure Under the Clean Water Act
Zack Knight: Onondaga Lake Amended Consent Judgment (ACJ) Compliance Program
Khristopher Dodson: Education and Outreach: How to “Save the Rain”
Titus Falkenburg: USDA, Rural Development
Evan Newell: Federal Update Budget
Kyle Wilbur: Environmental Funding Opportunities
Terry Deuel: The New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation Program Updates
Chris Carrick: Energy Management and Funding Sources at Water Infrastructure Facilities


Growing Green Infrastructure in New York State

Syracuse, NY
November 17-18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17

Dodson: What is Green Infrastructure?
Mittman: Local Codes and Ordinances using EPA Water Quality Scorecard
Mittman: EPA rulemaking update

Concurrent Sessions: 2:00-2:30

Randall: Green Innovation Grant Program
Dodson: Stormwater Rate Structuring

Break Out Sessions: 2:45-3:45

Session 1: Planning

Ettinger: Less In – Less Out: Steps to Sustainable Design, Installation and Management Of Landscape Plantings
Liberman: Conservation Planning for Green Infrastructure: A ‘Green’print for Sustainability
Stack: Ecological Performance Standards

Session 2: Case Studies

Thomas: Porous pavements, green roofs, bioretention: Case studies of the selection and design of urban retrofit GI for projects funded by Onondaga County’s Green Improvement Fund
Vail: Rain Gardens at Vassar College: A Water Quality Assessment

Session 3: Community

Barnhill: Public Perception of Green Infrastructure
King: Engaging Community Members in the Design, Implementation and Care of Neighborhood Green Infrastructure
Peng: Map-Based Modeling of People’s Knowledge, Perception and Willingness to Participate in Green Infrastructure Alternatives to Traditional Storm-Water Management: A Case Study in Syracuse

Break Out Sessions: 4:00-5:00

Session 1: Planning

Slack/Liberman/LaGorga: Regional Planning for Green Stormwater Retrofits
Garin: Storm Water Management and BMPs as Utilized by the Staten Island Bluebelt
V. Williams: Growing green infrastructure through workforce development

Session 2: Case Studies

Lee: Hunter’s Point South – A Pilot of Green Infrastructure in NYC
Reidy: Innovation in CSO Reduction: Implementing Passive and Active Distributed Infrastructure

Session 3: Community

Ning Sun: Multi-period Calibration of the U.S. EPA SWMM 5.0 Model within a GLUE Framework to Estimate Stormwater
Flow Reductions in a Fully Spatially-distributed Urban Sewershed of Syracuse, NY
Iorio: Tree Filter Systems for Sustainable Stormwater Management
Toland: Natural Plant Communities as Green Roof Templates

Thursday. November 18

Guest Speakers and Presentations

Nowak: Assessing Urban Green
Engel: Green Infrastructure
Adigun: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Michalenko: Growing from the Ground up for a Global Perspective on Green Infrastructure and Sustainability
Bryant: Save the Rain Program


Smart Management for Small Communities

Practical Resources for Governance
Ellicottville, NY
October 6-7, 2010

Charlie Philion – Homes and Community Renewal

David Rowley – Capacity Development and Infrastructure Crisis

Kyle Wilber – Smart Management for Small Communities

Kyle Wilber – Local Government Efficiency Grant Program

Melissa Kramer – Strategic Wastewater Infrastructure Practices For Rural Areas

Melissa Kramer – Smart Growth for Small Communities

Sam Gordon – Climate Change Innovation Program

Stephanie Simons – Focus on Local Government


Technical Assistance Partnership Forum

10th Annual Symposium on Environmental & Energy Systems
Oncenter Complex
September 27 – 28, 2010

NYS EFC Funding Updates – Hon. Matt Driscoll, President and CEO

Funding for Municipal Infrastructure – Kyle Wilber, Municipal Management Consultant, NYS DOS

NYSERDA Energy $mart Programs – Brian Pincelli, Planner, CNYRPDB

Federal Policy Update – Jessica Eckerlin, SU-EFC