Sustainable Materials Management

NYS SMM Stewards Engage Communities through Social Media, Interactive Presentations, in 2024 Project Roundup

The Spring 2024 cohort of the New York State Sustainable Materials Management (NYS SMM) Stewardship Program has concluded with another successful round of creative engagement projects aimed at fostering curiosity and greater understanding of SMM in local communities and beyond. 

The NYS SMM Stewardship Program is a long running, student-centered program   developed by the Syracuse University Center for Sustainable Community Solutions (CSCS) and administered in partnership with the New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling (NYSAR3) and the Center for Sustainable Materials Management (CSMM) at SUNY ESF. This annual opportunity provides college/university students from across the state with a unique chance to explore and deepen their knowledge of the concepts of “sustainable materials management” — a term that reflects a holistic approach to the use and reuse of society’s materials throughout their entire life cycles, with a focus on environmental impact and conservation of resources. 

Topics studied through the program include traditional recycling, composting, single-use plastics, reuse/repair, textiles, and effective community engagement, as well as current issues and challenges in the industry including resource extraction, overconsumption, “waste” as a concept, and environmental pollution. 

This virtual paid learning experience currently occurs in the Spring semester each year. Students receive training, mentoring, and guidance to engage local communities through hands-on, experiential SMM projects that work to address waste challenges they are currently facing. 

This unique remote opportunity has helped future SMM leaders launch their careers. Many stewards have transitioned directly into SMM-related jobs after graduation from their respective colleges, leveraging the valuable skills and professional experience gained through the program.

The Projects

In Spring 2024, 19 stewards from 12 NYS colleges/universities (including SUNY New Paltz, SUNY-ESF, Binghamton University, and St. Lawrence University) completed the program, resulting in a variety of community engagement projects, such as compost bin building, podcast interviews with SMM industry leaders, and in-class interactive presentations at local K-12 schools. 

Please see below for samples and a list of our stewards’ Spring 2024 projects!

Interested in becoming a steward?
Do you know someone who is interested in applying to the NYS SMM Stewardship Program? Applications for Spring 2025 will open in September 2024 and can be found on the NYS SMM Stewardship webpage.

Interested in supporting a steward?
If you have a project that a steward could help with, or are interested in working with a future SMM steward, please contact CSCS Program Associate Morgan Ingraham at for more information.

Isabela Fraguada, Stony Brook University

Topic: Animation & Social Media Outreach

Isabela Fraguada created an animated character named Turkeybacon, a veteran of the Marine wars against plastic pollution and advocate for SMM. Through a series of Instagram outreach posts, Turkeybacon explains and demonstrates concepts of SMM such as reuse, repair, and composting. Follow the QR code to see Turkeybacon in action, or follow him on @turkeybaconturtle on Instagram!

Richard Correa-Lampasona, St. John’s University

Topic: Extended Producer Responsibility Podcast – Interview with Product Stewardship Institute

Richard Correa-Lampasona hosted a podcast interview with Scott Cassel, CEO and Founder of the Product Stewardship Institute. This educational podcast gives a background on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy, as well as an insight into what PSI is all about. Follow the QR code or go to to listen to the podcast!

Wren Kingsley, SUNY New Paltz

Topic: SMM Education & Advocacy Campaign at Local Middle School

Wren Kingsley worked with New Paltz Middle School’s Climate Club in a series of SMM-related workshops. The first workshop, Recycling 101, consisted of an in-class game where New Paltz Middle School students sorted items to learn about what was recyclable or not. Then, students were taken on a tour of the New Paltz Recycling and Reuse Center. Back in the classroom again, students built a worm bin to learn about composting. Finally, students engaged in a letter-writing campaign to local government officials to express their concerns about climate change.

Other Projects

Litter Cleanup Composition and Outreach: Lauren Hamilton Musso, SUNY-ESF

Waste in Small Business: Willow Mercer, Stony Brook University

Repair Day Pop-Up Event: Shawna Stevenson, Binghamton University

Waste in Local School: Brady Hartnett, Syracuse University

How University Students View Single-Use Plastic Waste on Campus: Elizabeth Vool, Stony Brook University

Upcycling Materials for Less Waste:  Kimberly Bravo, St. Lawrence University

Middle School Recycling Education: Maggie Saville, SUNY Binghamton

Compost for Community: Brianna Rodriguez, SUNY New Paltz

College Campus Clothing Swap: Kade DeMarle, SUNY Albany

Waste Tracking in Elementary Schools: Janice Yohannan, Stony Brook University

Increasing the Engagement of the Campus Thrift Store: Valeria Obregon, St. Lawrence University

Pop-Up Thrift Shop & Clothing Swap: Jessie Mazzeo, SUNY Geneseo

Campus Litter Analysis: Dolphins Collect:  Meghan Walton, Le Moyne College

Climate Smart Communities Waste Reduction Education Campaign: Caitlyn Davey, Binghamton University

Feasible SMM Campaign: A Digestible Approach to Zero-Waste: Jordan Winkelman, Syracuse University

Thank you to our partners

The NYS SMM Stewardship Program is administered in partnership with NYSAR3 and with grant funding from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and CSMM

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program

The EPA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program issues an annual solicitation for proposals from U.S. small businesses to develop and commercialize innovative technologies that address the Agency’s mission. Topics for the 2024-2025 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Solicitation include source reduction and reuse and lowering embodied carbon in the built environment!

Eligible Recipients

To receive an SBIR award, the awardee must qualify as a Small Business Concern (SBC) as defined by SBA regulations at 13 C.F.R. §§ 701-705. The eligibility requirements for the SBIR/STTR programs are unique and do not correspond to those of other small business programs.

Funding Source

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Funding Amount

Calling for small businesses to apply for Phase I awards of up to $100,000 to demonstrate proof of concept in one of this year’s SBIR solicitation topics. Successful Phase I awardees are eligible to receive Phase II funding, up to $400,000 for two years, through an additional application process.


The EPA’s 2024-2025 SBIR Phase I solicitation is anticipated to open in June 2024.

The SBIR Phase I solicitation Informational Webinar will give attendees an overview of anticipated topics; review administrative, submission, eligibility and proposal evaluation processes; and share frequently asked questions.
Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 2:00 p.m. ET
Register here: Information and registration


If you have questions or comments about EPA’s research projects and funding opportunities, please complete the contact form below or email For other EPA-related questions, visit the main EPA contact page.

More Information

EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG)

EPA has announced two competitions for CPRG implementation grants – a general competition for applications from states, municipalities, tribes, tribal consortia, and territories, and a competition only for tribes, tribal consortia, and territories. These competitions are open to entities that received planning grants to develop Priority Climate Action Plans (PCAPs) under phase 1 of the CPRG program, as well as entities that did not directly receive a planning grant that are applying for funds to implement measures included in an applicable PCAP. Eligible applicants may only apply for funding to implement measures contained in an applicable PCAP.

Eligible Recipients

Eligible applicants for the CPRG implementation grants competitions are limited to lead organizations for CPRG planning grants and other executive branch-level agencies, offices, and departments in states, D.C., Puerto Rico, municipalities, tribes, tribal consortia, territories, and groups of such entities applying for funding to implement measures contained in one or more applicable Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) developed with funding from a CPRG planning grant.

Funding Source:
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Funding Amount

For the general competition, EPA anticipates awarding individual grants between $2 million and $500 million, with funding tiers allowing comparably sized projects to compete against one another. For the competition for tribes and territories, EPA anticipates awarding individual grants ranging between $1 million to $25 million.


General competition:

Optional Notice of Intent to Apply due to by February 1, 2024.
Complete applications must be submitted through no later than April 1, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. (ET) in order to be considered for funding.

Tribes and territories only competition:

Optional Notice of Intent to Apply due to by March 1, 2024.
Complete applications must be submitted through no later than May 1, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. (ET) to be considered for funding.
Please read the Notices of Funding Opportunity for these competitions for the most complete and up-to-date information about application deadlines and timing for these competitions.


Questions related to the CPRG implementation grants competitions should be submitted to

More Information

EPA Environmental Education (EE) Grants

The Environmental Education Grant Program is seeking applications from eligible applicants to support locally-focused environmental education projects that promote environmental stewardship and help develop knowledgeable and responsible students, teachers, and community members. This grant program provides financial support for projects that design, demonstrate, and/or disseminate environmental education practices, methods, or techniques that increase public awareness and knowledge about local environmental issues and provides participants in its programs the skills necessary to make informed decisions and to take responsible actions toward the environment.

Eligible Recipients:
Applicants must represent one of the following types of organizations to be eligible for an environmental education grant:

  • Local education agencies
  • College or universities
  • State education or environmental agencies
  • Nonprofit organizations described in Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Tribal organizations that qualify as nonprofit organization described Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Tribal education agencies
  • Noncommercial educational broadcasting entity as defined and licensed by Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

“Tribal education agencies” that are eligible to apply include a school or community college which is controlled by an Indian tribe, band, or nation, which is recognized as eligible for special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians and which is not administered by the Bureau of Indian Education.

Eligible Projects:
Applications must address at least one of these Educational Priorities to be considered eligible: community projects; career development; environmental education capacity building; environmental justice and/or indigenous knowledge.

Applications must also address at least one of the Administrator’s Environmental Priorities to be considered eligible: addressing climate change and improving air quality; ensuring clean and safe water; and/or cleaning up our communities by revitalizing land and preventing contamination.

Funding Source:
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Funding Amount:

The total amount of funding available under this announcement is approximately $360,000, depending on Agency funding levels, the quality of applications received, agency priorities, and other applicable considerations. It is anticipated that 3-5 awards will be made under this announcement. Each Region 2 grant will be funded for no less than $50,000, and no more than $100,000 in federal funds. Region 2 covers the states of New Jersey (NJ), New York (NY), Puerto Rico (PR), and the Virgin Islands (VI).

Deadline: November 8, 2023


If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:

Chiamaka Alozie, Region 2 (Electronic Submissions Contact)
Michael Band, HQ (Eligibility and General NOFO Contact);

More Information:

DEC Municipal Funding for Food Scraps Recycling Initiatives

The goal of this funding program is to assist municipalities in starting or expanding municipal food scraps recycling programs. To ensure equitable access and development of food scraps recycling opportunities for all New Yorkers, this year’s opportunity will prioritize the first half of available funds for eligible projects serving Environmental Justice and Disadvantaged communities.

Eligible Recipients:

Under this grant program, a municipality is defined as a:
* County, city, town or village 

* Local public authority 

* Local public benefit corporation (as established by New York State law) 

* School district, supervisory district, and improvement district 

* Native American tribe or Nation residing in New York State 

* Combination of the above 

Private companies, not-for-profit organizations, and State agencies are NOT eligible to receive this funding. However, eligible municipalities may partner with these types of organizations on an application if the municipality is the lead applicant.

Eligible Projects:

The following types of projects are included in this opportunity:

  • Creating or expanding programs to increase residential food scraps recycling
  • Creating or expanding food scraps recycling programs and facilities

Funding Source:

Funding Amount:
Approximately $2 million is available for Municipal Food Scraps Recycling Initiatives Grants. Funding for this grant opportunity was outlined in the 2021/22 NYS Budget, making funds available through the Environmental Protection Fund (which provides funds dedicated to environmental projects including those to help municipalities meet environmental goals and mandates). The first $1,000,000 will prioritize eligible projects that dedicate at least 50% of the total requested funding to serving environmental justice communities.

 NEW in 2023: Approximately $750,000.00 has been allocated to this grant program to fund additional applicants. This funding was included in the 2023/24 New York State Budget, making funds available through the Environmental Protection Fund.

Awards will be given to applications receiving a pass score in the order they are submitted in Grants Gateway, until DEC withdraws this request for applications, funds are exhausted, or October 4, 2023, 3:00 PM EST, whichever comes first.

Sally Rowland

More Information:

NYSDEC Grants for Waste Reduction/Prevention Projects (MWR&R)

The NYSDEC is authorized to provide State assistance for projects that further the primary strategy of the NYS solid waste management hierarchy. A waste reduction/prevention project reduces the volume or toxicity of materials entering the MSW stream at the point of generation.

Eligible Recipients:
The following entities within New York State are eligible to apply for these grants:

  • Counties, Cities, Towns or Villages
  • Local Public Authorities
  • Local Public Benefit Corporations (organizations established by State Law)
  • School Districts, Supervisory Districts & Improvement Districts
  • Native American Tribes or Nations residing in New York State

Eligible Projects:

  • educational efforts that prevent the generation of waste
  • materials reuse
  • promotion or use of refillable or reusable packaging
  • audits of procedures and practices, resulting in the elimination or reduction of materials disposed
  • increasing awareness of non-toxic household product substitutes
  • promotion of backyard or on-site composting
  • promotion of product stewardship initiatives.

Funding Source:
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Funding Amount:
Funding is provided on a 50% reimbursement rate for eligible costs.


Proposals for projects are accepted on an ongoing first-come-first-served basis.

Effective November 4, 2017, ALL applications must be submitted using the NYS Grants Gateway 


Grants Gateway Help Desk
Primary Help Desk:
For assistance with registration, prequalification, applications, contracts, payments, etc.

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Phone: (518) 474-5595


After Hours Support:
For assistance with account lockouts, lost user IDs, or basic information.

Hours: Monday-Friday, 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Phone: (800) 820-1890


Policy/Registration Questions:

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NYSDEC Grants for Municipal Landfill Gas Management Projects (MWR&R)

The NYSDEC is authorized to provide grants to Municipal Landfill Gas Management projects that promote improved air quality at solid waste landfills, capture greenhouse gases, and encourage energy recovery from landfill gas.

Eligible Recipients:

Application eligibility. A municipality which owns or operates a landfill within the State of New York may apply for State assistance for a landfill gas management system at that landfill if the project meets the following requirements:

(a) The site must be municipally owned or operated and the municipality will remain liable for the continued operation and maintenance of the landfill gas management system for its useful life.

(b) The active landfill gas collection and treatment system must be in compliance with the design requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 208, if applicable, and must use a landfill gas management system approved by the Department that conforms to the requirements for new facilities set forth in 6 NYCRR Part 360 that are in effect six months prior to the date the application is received and is designed to maximize the capture of air emissions from the landfill.

Eligible Projects:
For a complete description and criteria of the Landfill Gas Management Program, visit DEC Policy DSHM-SW-04-16 – Landfill Gas Collection and Treatment Systems.

Funding Source:
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Funding Amount:
Awards are made once a year to as many projects as can be reached with available funds. Unfunded projects will remain on a DEC waiting list until additional funds become available.

Applications are accepted continuously.

Application Materials for Municipal Landfill Gas Management grants may be obtained by contacting DEC via e-mail or at 518-402-8678

More Information:

EPA Region 2 Sustainable Materials Management Grants

This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications that support the EPA Sustainable Materials Management Program, for the benefit of States or communities within EPA Region 2 (New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and eight Indian Nations). Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) is a systemic approach to using and reusing materials more productively over their entire life cycles. It represents a change in how our society thinks about the use of natural resources and environmental protection. By looking at a product’s entire life cycle, we can find new opportunities to reduce environmental impacts, conserve resources and reduce costs. Specifically, this RFA addresses the following programmatic priorities: Sustainable Management of Food, and Sustainable Packaging.

Eligible Recipients:
Consistent with CFDA No. 66.808, the following entities are eligible to compete under this solicitation: States, local, Tribal, interstate, and intrastate government agencies and instrumentalities, and non-profit organizations that are not 501(c)(4) organizations that lobby, including non-profit educational institutions and non-profit hospitals. Individuals and for-profit organizations are not eligible.

Eligible Projects:

  1. Sustainable Food Management (SFM) – SFM focusses on reducing food loss and waste and diverting food from the landfill according to EPA’s Food Waste Reduction Hierarchy, found at: hierarchy. Source Reduction, otherwise known as waste prevention, is at the top of the hierarchy, followed by donation, industrial applications, and composting. This solicitation is open to projects focusing on source reduction strategies; i.e., this RFA solicits applications focused on preventing waste before it is generated. Even after source reduction strategies are applied, there is nearly always some unavoidable food waste. Including food donation and composting as project components to deal with this unavoidable remainder is acceptable, so long as source reduction is the primary focus of the project.
  2. Sustainable Packaging – Together, food and packaging/containers account for almost 45% of the materials landfilled in the United States. Common trash from consumer goods comprises the majority of what eventually becomes marine debris, polluting waterways and oceans. Plastics in the aquatic environment are of great concern because of their persistence and effects on the environment, wildlife, and human health. Sustainable packaging projects should focus on developing methods to reduce packaging waste and thereby decrease the quantity of materials directed toward the landfill. Simply increasing recycling rates of packaging waste is not an acceptable focus for this RFA. Fundable projects should strive to create lasting change in the community.

Funding Source:
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Funding Amount:
The total estimated funding expected to be available for all awards in this competitive opportunity is $200,000. EPA expects to make between 1-3 awards depending upon the quality of applications submitted.

Application Deadline:
The closing date and time for the receipt of applications is September 15, 2023, by 11:59 pm, Eastern Time (ET) in order to be considered for funding. Application packages must be submitted electronically to on or before this date and time in order to be considered for funding.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2
Attn: Dale Carpenter
290 Broadway, 22nd floor
New York, NY 10007-1866
(212) 637-4110

More Information:

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, is seeking proposals from the small businesses to develop novel environmental technologies in the following topics areas. See the official solicitation posted on FedConnect to learn more about the topic areas and view full topic descriptions.

Eligible Recipients:
Small businesses

Eligible Projects:

Clean and Safe Water

  • Zero-liquid discharge and brine concentrate minimization
  • Treatment and destruction of PFAS in wastewater and other waste streams
  • HABs sensors that can monitor cyanobacteria and toxins

Air Quality & Climate

  • Innovative technologies to clean indoor air during wildfire smoke events and other high pollution days
  • Air pollution control technologies for urban small sources


  • Innovations in slurry injection technology for complex waste treatment and disposal

Homeland Security

  • AI-based indoor mapping and localization using smartphone sensor data

Circular Economy/Sustainable Materials

  • Innovative technologies that help consumers prevent food waste in the acquisition, preparation, and storage of food
  • Innovative technologies or materials that will improve the U.S. recycling system
  • Innovative material reduction and reuse solutions to lower embodied carbon in the built environment

Safer Chemicals

  • Rubber anti-degradant technologies for tires and other rubber products that are lower concern for human health and the environment
  • Innovative enhanced efficiency fertilizers

Funding Source:
US Environmental Protection Agency

Funding Amount:

Open: June 28, 2023 – Close: August 23, 2023. Proposals must be submitted through FedConnect by the required deadline.

Matthew Huber

More Information:

Waste Management (WM) Charitable Giving

Focused on making a difference, we strive to be good corporate citizens by making communities safer, stronger and more sustainable.

Eligible Recipients:

We work with involved citizens, organizations and corporate partners on local initiatives to promote civic pride, economic development and revitalization.

Eligible Projects:

Causes we support:

  • Environmental Stewardship – With a commitment to sustainability, we give priority consideration to organizations whose programs preserve and/or enhance renewable resources and empower environmental stewards.
  • Sustainability Education – We’re committed to equipping individuals with knowledge needed to enhance their communities through programs that support clean, resilient and sustainable place to live.
  • Community Vitality – When we ensure that our neighborhoods and communities are safe and sustainable, we provide the best living environment for customers, employees and stakeholders.
  • Environmental Justice – By engaging with people in the communities where we operate, we can understand their needs while addressing our operational impacts to help those communities thrive.
  • Workforce + Skills Development – We strive to give individuals and teams the tools and training they need to excel while empowering employees to take care of our customers, neighbors and their environment via programs that prioritize economic development in communities.
  • Supplier Diversity – We address inequity and economic development for underserved groups by working towards targets that prioritize collective impact, collaboration, education, and achieving ambitious sustainability initiatives.

Funding Source:
Waste Management (WM)

Funding Amount:

Applications are accepted year round and are reviewed on a continuous basis. Given the large amount of requests received, please anticipate an estimated two-month review period for each request.

More Information: