NYSDEC Grants for Waste Reduction/Prevention Projects (MWR&R)

The NYSDEC is authorized to provide State assistance for projects that further the primary strategy of the NYS solid waste management hierarchy. A waste reduction/prevention project reduces the volume or toxicity of materials entering the MSW stream at the point of generation.

Eligible Recipients:
The following entities within New York State are eligible to apply for these grants:

  • Counties, Cities, Towns or Villages
  • Local Public Authorities
  • Local Public Benefit Corporations (organizations established by State Law)
  • School Districts, Supervisory Districts & Improvement Districts
  • Native American Tribes or Nations residing in New York State

Eligible Projects:

  • educational efforts that prevent the generation of waste
  • materials reuse
  • promotion or use of refillable or reusable packaging
  • audits of procedures and practices, resulting in the elimination or reduction of materials disposed
  • increasing awareness of non-toxic household product substitutes
  • promotion of backyard or on-site composting
  • promotion of product stewardship initiatives.

Funding Source:
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Funding Amount:
Funding is provided on a 50% reimbursement rate for eligible costs.


Proposals for projects are accepted on an ongoing first-come-first-served basis.

Effective November 4, 2017, ALL applications must be submitted using the NYS Grants Gateway 


Grants Gateway Help Desk
Primary Help Desk:
For assistance with registration, prequalification, applications, contracts, payments, etc.

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Phone: (518) 474-5595

Email: grantsgateway@its.ny.gov

After Hours Support:
For assistance with account lockouts, lost user IDs, or basic information.

Hours: Monday-Friday, 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Phone: (800) 820-1890

Email: helpdesk@agatesoftware.com

Policy/Registration Questions:
Email: grantsreform@budget.ny.gov

More Information:

NYSDEC Grants for Municipal Landfill Gas Management Projects (MWR&R)

The NYSDEC is authorized to provide grants to Municipal Landfill Gas Management projects that promote improved air quality at solid waste landfills, capture greenhouse gases, and encourage energy recovery from landfill gas.

Eligible Recipients:

Application eligibility. A municipality which owns or operates a landfill within the State of New York may apply for State assistance for a landfill gas management system at that landfill if the project meets the following requirements:

(a) The site must be municipally owned or operated and the municipality will remain liable for the continued operation and maintenance of the landfill gas management system for its useful life.

(b) The active landfill gas collection and treatment system must be in compliance with the design requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 208, if applicable, and must use a landfill gas management system approved by the Department that conforms to the requirements for new facilities set forth in 6 NYCRR Part 360 that are in effect six months prior to the date the application is received and is designed to maximize the capture of air emissions from the landfill.

Eligible Projects:
For a complete description and criteria of the Landfill Gas Management Program, visit DEC Policy DSHM-SW-04-16 – Landfill Gas Collection and Treatment Systems.

Funding Source:
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Funding Amount:
Awards are made once a year to as many projects as can be reached with available funds. Unfunded projects will remain on a DEC waiting list until additional funds become available.

Applications are accepted continuously.

Application Materials for Municipal Landfill Gas Management grants may be obtained by contacting DEC via e-mail or at 518-402-8678

More Information:

NYSDEC Climate Smart Communities Grant Program

The Climate Smart Communities (CSC) Grant program was established in 2016 to provide 50/50 matching grants to cities, towns, villages, and counties of the State of New York for eligible climate change mitigation, adaptation, and planning and assessment projects.

Eligible Recipients:
All municipalities, defined as a county, city, town, village, or borough (referring only to Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island) within the State of New York are eligible to apply to the CSC Grant program. Political subdivisions such as municipal corporations, school districts, district corporations, boards of cooperative educational services, fire districts, public benefit corporations, industrial development authorities, and similar organizations are not eligible to apply, however, may apply in partnership with an eligible lead municipality. See request for application for details.

Eligible Projects:

Funds are available for two broad project categories – implementation and certification. The first project category supports implementation projects related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (mainly outside the power sector) and climate change adaptation. The second supports planning and assessment projects aligned with Climate Smart Communities certification actions

Funding Source:

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)

Funding Amount:
Provide 50/50 matching grants for:
Implementation Projects where up to $12 million is available in 2022 for implementation grants of between $50,000 and $2,000,000 for mitigation and adaptation projects;
Certification Projects where up to $2,000,000 is available in 2022 for grants of between $10,000 and $200,000 to complete certain CSC certification actions.

The deadline for the 2023 round is July 28, 2023. Applications are accepted only through the Consolidated Funding Application (CFA)

NYSDEC | Office of Climate Change
625 Broadway, 9th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-1030
(518) 402-8448

More Information:

NYSDEC Grants for Recycling Coordination & Education Projects

DEC is authorized to provide State assistance for Recycling Coordinator salaries and for public education programs conducted by municipalities. This funding helps expand local recycling programs and increase participation.

Eligible Recipients:
The following entities within New York State are eligible to apply for these grants:

  • Counties, Cities, Towns or Villages
  • Local Public Authorities
  • Local Public Benefit Corporations (organizations established by State Law)
  • School Districts, Supervisory Districts & Improvement Districts
  • Native American Tribes or Nations residing in New York State

Eligible Projects:

Eligible projects for state assistance under this program include planning, educational and promotional activities to increase public awareness of and participation in waste reduction and recycling. Municipalities may request funding toward costs for recycling coordination, publications, education and outreach for recycling and waste reduction.

Funding Source:
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Funding Amount:
A project application will be reviewed and may be approved, disapproved or modified by DEC. If acceptable, applications will be approved for state assistance for up to 50 percent of eligible costs, not to exceed two million dollars.

The application acceptance period is: August, September and October of each year.


Primary Help Desk:
For assistance with registration, prequalification, applications, contracts, payments, etc.

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Phone: (518) 474-5595

Email: grantsgateway@its.ny.gov

After Hours Support:
For assistance with account lockouts, lost user IDs, or basic information.

Hours: Monday-Friday, 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Phone: (800) 820-1890

Email: helpdesk@agatesoftware.com

Policy/Registration Questions:
Email: grantsreform@budget.ny.gov

More Information:

NYSDEC Grants for Municipal Landfill Closure Projects

NYSDEC provides funds to municipalities for the closure of eligible municipal landfills. These projects may also include in assisting municipalities with municipal solid waste landfill gas management systems.

Eligible Recipients:
Municipalities with inactive solid waste landfills or landfills that will be inactive within 18 months of application that have eligible closure costs incurred after April 1, 1993.

  • Counties, Cities, Towns or Villages
  • Local Public Authorities
  • Local Public Benefit Corporations (organizations established by State Law)
  • School Districts, Supervisory Districts & Improvement Districts
  • Native American Tribes or Nations residing in New York State

The municipal applicant must own an inactive (or soon to be inactive) solid waste landfill in New York State.

Eligible Projects:

Eligible projects include landfill closure costs if the landfill closure project meets the following requirements:
(a) the landfill is municipally-owned and the municipality is liable for all closure and post closure activities;
(b) the landfill ceased receiving waste no later than April 9, 1997;
(c) the municipal landfill closure project complies with applicable landfill closure requirements as set forth in Part 363 of this Title;
(d) the municipality waives any right to assistance under section 27 1313 of the ECL; and
(e) the landfill closure site is not classified as a classification 1 or classification 2 site in the Registry of Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites.

Funding Source:
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Funding Amount:
Funding is provided on a 50% reimbursement rate for eligible costs.


Application Materials for Municipal Landfill Closure Grants may be obtained by contacting DEC by e-mail or at 518-402-8678.

More Information:

NYSDEC Grants for Recycling Capital Projects

NYSDEC is authorized to provide State assistance for projects that enhance municipal recycling infrastructure through

  • construction materials recycling facilities
  • construction of composting facilities
  • purchasing of recyclables processing equipment
  • purchasing of recycling containers, and
  • purchasing of new recyclables collection vehicles

Eligible Recipients:

  • Counties, Cities, Towns or Villages
  • Local Public Authorities
  • Local Public Benefit Corporations (organizations established by State Law)
  • School Districts, Supervisory Districts & Improvement Districts
  • Native American Tribes or Nations residing in New York State

Funding Source:
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Funding Amount:
Funding is provided on a 50% reimbursement rate for eligible costs.

Proposals for projects are accepted on an ongoing first-come-first-served basis. The current Grant Opportunity is open from July 1, 2021 – May 1, 2025.


Grants Gateway Help Desk
Primary Help Desk:
For assistance with registration, prequalification, applications, contracts, payments, etc.

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Phone: (518) 474-5595

Email: grantsgateway@its.ny.gov

After Hours Support:
For assistance with account lockouts, lost user IDs, or basic information.

Hours: Monday-Friday, 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Phone: (800) 820-1890

Email: helpdesk@agatesoftware.com

Policy/Registration Questions:
Email: grantsreform@budget.ny.gov

More Information:

NYSDEC Grants for Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Programs

The NYSDEC is authorized to provide grants for HHW collection programs in order to provide a safe alternative for recycling or disposal of household hazardous materials.

Eligible Recipients:
The following entities within New York State are eligible to apply for these grants:

  • Counties, Cities, Towns or Villages
  • Local Public Authorities
  • Local Public Benefit Corporations (organizations established by State Law)
  • School Districts, Supervisory Districts & Improvement Districts
  • Native American Tribes or Nations residing in New York State

Eligible Projects:
Can include reasonable municipal costs, as determined by the department, related to operating household hazardous waste collection programs or operating a household hazardous waste collection and storage facility or mobile collection facility, and associated educational and promotional expenses. It is not necessary that all types of household hazardous waste be collected for the collection program to be eligible.

Funding Source:
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Funding Amount:
Funding is provided on a 50% reimbursement rate for eligible costs.


Applications will be accepted by DEC during the months of January and February of each calendar year for all eligible household hazardous waste collection and disposal costs incurred during the previous calendar year.

Effective January 1, 2018, all HHW State Assistance applications must be submitted through the NYS Grants Gateway.


Grants Gateway Help Desk
Primary Help Desk:
For assistance with registration, prequalification, applications, contracts, payments, etc.

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Phone: (518) 474-5595

Email: grantsgateway@its.ny.gov

After Hours Support:
For assistance with account lockouts, lost user IDs, or basic information.

Hours: Monday-Friday, 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Phone: (800) 820-1890

Email: helpdesk@agatesoftware.com

Policy/Registration Questions:
Email: grantsreform@budget.ny.gov

More Information:

NYSDEC Funding for Emergency Food Relief Organizations

The goal of this funding program was to support food pantries and other emergency food relief organizations by providing funding to increase the availability of wholesome food to those in need in addition to increasing infrastructure in the emergency food relief organizations network.

Funding Source:
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)

Funding Amount:


Division of Materials Management
Bureau of Waste Reduction & Recycling
625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-7253

More Information: