
DEC Municipal Funding for Food Scraps Recycling Initiatives

The goal of this funding program is to assist municipalities in starting or expanding municipal food scraps recycling programs. To ensure equitable access and development of food scraps recycling opportunities for all New Yorkers, this year’s opportunity will prioritize the first half of available funds for eligible projects serving Environmental Justice and Disadvantaged communities.

Eligible Recipients:

Under this grant program, a municipality is defined as a:
* County, city, town or village 

* Local public authority 

* Local public benefit corporation (as established by New York State law) 

* School district, supervisory district, and improvement district 

* Native American tribe or Nation residing in New York State 

* Combination of the above 

Private companies, not-for-profit organizations, and State agencies are NOT eligible to receive this funding. However, eligible municipalities may partner with these types of organizations on an application if the municipality is the lead applicant.

Eligible Projects:

The following types of projects are included in this opportunity:

  • Creating or expanding programs to increase residential food scraps recycling
  • Creating or expanding food scraps recycling programs and facilities

Funding Source:

Funding Amount:
Approximately $2 million is available for Municipal Food Scraps Recycling Initiatives Grants. Funding for this grant opportunity was outlined in the 2021/22 NYS Budget, making funds available through the Environmental Protection Fund (which provides funds dedicated to environmental projects including those to help municipalities meet environmental goals and mandates). The first $1,000,000 will prioritize eligible projects that dedicate at least 50% of the total requested funding to serving environmental justice communities.

 NEW in 2023: Approximately $750,000.00 has been allocated to this grant program to fund additional applicants. This funding was included in the 2023/24 New York State Budget, making funds available through the Environmental Protection Fund.

Awards will be given to applications receiving a pass score in the order they are submitted in Grants Gateway, until DEC withdraws this request for applications, funds are exhausted, or October 4, 2023, 3:00 PM EST, whichever comes first.

Sally Rowland

More Information:

EPA Region 2 Sustainable Materials Management Grants

This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications that support the EPA Sustainable Materials Management Program, for the benefit of States or communities within EPA Region 2 (New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and eight Indian Nations). Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) is a systemic approach to using and reusing materials more productively over their entire life cycles. It represents a change in how our society thinks about the use of natural resources and environmental protection. By looking at a product’s entire life cycle, we can find new opportunities to reduce environmental impacts, conserve resources and reduce costs. Specifically, this RFA addresses the following programmatic priorities: Sustainable Management of Food, and Sustainable Packaging.

Eligible Recipients:
Consistent with CFDA No. 66.808, the following entities are eligible to compete under this solicitation: States, local, Tribal, interstate, and intrastate government agencies and instrumentalities, and non-profit organizations that are not 501(c)(4) organizations that lobby, including non-profit educational institutions and non-profit hospitals. Individuals and for-profit organizations are not eligible.

Eligible Projects:

  1. Sustainable Food Management (SFM) – SFM focusses on reducing food loss and waste and diverting food from the landfill according to EPA’s Food Waste Reduction Hierarchy, found at: hierarchy. Source Reduction, otherwise known as waste prevention, is at the top of the hierarchy, followed by donation, industrial applications, and composting. This solicitation is open to projects focusing on source reduction strategies; i.e., this RFA solicits applications focused on preventing waste before it is generated. Even after source reduction strategies are applied, there is nearly always some unavoidable food waste. Including food donation and composting as project components to deal with this unavoidable remainder is acceptable, so long as source reduction is the primary focus of the project.
  2. Sustainable Packaging – Together, food and packaging/containers account for almost 45% of the materials landfilled in the United States. Common trash from consumer goods comprises the majority of what eventually becomes marine debris, polluting waterways and oceans. Plastics in the aquatic environment are of great concern because of their persistence and effects on the environment, wildlife, and human health. Sustainable packaging projects should focus on developing methods to reduce packaging waste and thereby decrease the quantity of materials directed toward the landfill. Simply increasing recycling rates of packaging waste is not an acceptable focus for this RFA. Fundable projects should strive to create lasting change in the community.

Funding Source:
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Funding Amount:
The total estimated funding expected to be available for all awards in this competitive opportunity is $200,000. EPA expects to make between 1-3 awards depending upon the quality of applications submitted.

Application Deadline:
The closing date and time for the receipt of applications is September 15, 2023, by 11:59 pm, Eastern Time (ET) in order to be considered for funding. Application packages must be submitted electronically to on or before this date and time in order to be considered for funding.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2
Attn: Dale Carpenter
290 Broadway, 22nd floor
New York, NY 10007-1866
(212) 637-4110

More Information:

The Kroger Co. Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Innovation Fund

The Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Foundation Innovation Fund helps fill the gap in philanthropic funding needed to support entrepreneurs and creative thinkers with solutions to improve food security and prevent food waste.

Eligible Recipients:
Nonprofit and community organizations.

Eligible Projects:
We support nonprofits, innovators and community-based organizations that help:

  • Meet critical transportation needs for food banks and partner agencies.
  • Operate mobile pantry programs to improve food access in underserved communities.
  • Increase access to, and enrollment in, SNAP benefits.
  • Provide breakfast after the bell for students at school.
  • Serve homeless men and women who want to gain skills, stabilize their lives and find permanent housing.
  • Improve nutrition education and access to healthier foods.

Funding Source:
The Kroger Co. Foundation

Funding Amount:
Awards range from $25,000 to $250,000 per grantee.

The 2021 Call for Application is closed.

More Information:

NYSDEC Funding for Emergency Food Relief Organizations

The goal of this funding program was to support food pantries and other emergency food relief organizations by providing funding to increase the availability of wholesome food to those in need in addition to increasing infrastructure in the emergency food relief organizations network.

Funding Source:
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)

Funding Amount:


Division of Materials Management
Bureau of Waste Reduction & Recycling
625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-7253

More Information: