
EPA Environmental Education (EE) Grants

The Environmental Education Grant Program is seeking applications from eligible applicants to support locally-focused environmental education projects that promote environmental stewardship and help develop knowledgeable and responsible students, teachers, and community members. This grant program provides financial support for projects that design, demonstrate, and/or disseminate environmental education practices, methods, or techniques that increase public awareness and knowledge about local environmental issues and provides participants in its programs the skills necessary to make informed decisions and to take responsible actions toward the environment.

Eligible Recipients:
Applicants must represent one of the following types of organizations to be eligible for an environmental education grant:

  • Local education agencies
  • College or universities
  • State education or environmental agencies
  • Nonprofit organizations described in Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Tribal organizations that qualify as nonprofit organization described Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Tribal education agencies
  • Noncommercial educational broadcasting entity as defined and licensed by Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

“Tribal education agencies” that are eligible to apply include a school or community college which is controlled by an Indian tribe, band, or nation, which is recognized as eligible for special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians and which is not administered by the Bureau of Indian Education.

Eligible Projects:
Applications must address at least one of these Educational Priorities to be considered eligible: community projects; career development; environmental education capacity building; environmental justice and/or indigenous knowledge.

Applications must also address at least one of the Administrator’s Environmental Priorities to be considered eligible: addressing climate change and improving air quality; ensuring clean and safe water; and/or cleaning up our communities by revitalizing land and preventing contamination.

Funding Source:
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Funding Amount:

The total amount of funding available under this announcement is approximately $360,000, depending on Agency funding levels, the quality of applications received, agency priorities, and other applicable considerations. It is anticipated that 3-5 awards will be made under this announcement. Each Region 2 grant will be funded for no less than $50,000, and no more than $100,000 in federal funds. Region 2 covers the states of New Jersey (NJ), New York (NY), Puerto Rico (PR), and the Virgin Islands (VI).

Deadline: November 8, 2023


If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:

Chiamaka Alozie, Region 2 (Electronic Submissions Contact)
Michael Band, HQ (Eligibility and General NOFO Contact);

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The Recycling Partnership Residential Curbside Recycling Cart Grant

The purpose of the Residential Curbside Recycling Cart Grant Program is to advance recycling in communities across the United States by offering financial and technical assistance to support the implementation of cartbased curbside recycling. This Request For Proposals (RFP) offers communities the chance to apply for grant funding to support the acquisition of recycling carts with the goal of bringing high quality cart-based curbside recycling service to households across the United States. The Recycling Partnership seeks to expand access to cart based recycling collection by converting bin or bag-based curbside recycling collection programs to cartbased collection, or by supporting the implementation of new curbside recycling programs using cart-based

Eligible Recipients:

Grant funding is available to support publicly sponsored curbside recycling programs. The applicant must be a local government, solid waste authority, or federally recognized tribe. Funding is only available to communities seeking to implement cart-based curbside recycling programs. Grant funding is not available to replace existing carts, to support the purchase of carts for waste or organics collection, or to support the collection of recyclables from businesses, schools, or institutions. The grant program offers funding to support the purchase of recycling carts and to implement recycling education and outreach efforts. Grants are not available for education and outreach alone.

Eligible Projects:
Cart Size and Cart-Related Requirements – The following cart requirements must be met:
a. Communities offering weekly collection of recyclables are required to provide residents with a cart that is at
least 60+ gallons in volume.
b. Communities offering every other week collection of recyclables are required to provide residents with a cart that is at least 90+ gallons in volume.
c. Exceptions to Size Requirements: Communities may offer accommodations to households with residents
who are not physically able to move standard sized recycling carts to the designated area for collection. In such cases, smaller carts may be acceptable provided that the community has established clear eligibility criteria for who may recycle using smaller carts and under what conditions.
d. Recycling carts purchased with Residential Curbside Recycling Cart Grant funding must be manufactured with a minimum of five percent (5%) residential post-consumer recycled plastic content based on the weight of the entire mass of the body, lid and wheels. To qualify as residential post-consumer content, the reclaimed plastic must have been generated by a household and collected for recycling by a curbside or drop-off recycling program. This recycled content requirement cannot be met through the use of postindustrial plastics or plastic sourced from end-of-life carts or bins. The purpose of this requirement is to generate demand for plastics collected by residential recycling programs in the United States, and this requirement has been developed in cooperation with the Association of Plastics Recyclers and a consortium of recycling cart manufacturers. It is understood by The Recycling Partnership that the majority of the primary manufacturers of residential recycling carts serving the North American marketplace can meet this
requirement without any impact on cart price, performance or warranty.
e. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags must be embedded in carts at the time of manufacturing. A
successful applicant is not required to purchase RFID reading equipment or to use an RFID tracking or data
management system.
f. The recycling carts must be clearly labelled in a manner to indicate that they are for the collection of
recyclables and must be distinct in appearance from carts used for waste collection.
g. The applicant must provide carts at no cost to residents other than standard solid waste or recycling service taxes or fees. Communities that require residents to purchase carts are not eligible for a grant under this program.

Funding Source:
The Recycling Partnership

Funding Amount:

Proposals will be accepted on an on-going basis

Vincent Leray

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The Recycling Partnership Recycling Inclusion Fund

What does a world look like where all people feel like valued members within their communities? How can we as a global, national, and local industry do our part to apply shared experiences, knowledge, and resources to catalyze a sustainable life for everyone?

The Recycling Inclusion Fund directs grant dollars toward investment in recycling infrastructure and education equity, a training and leadership program geared towards communities of color, and research into the challenges that hinder a more equitable circular economy. 

Eligible Recipients:


Eligible Projects:

  • Research: To identify the state of recycling access and participation, barriers, and needs in BIPOC communities across the U.S.
    • Impact: Improved program efficiency to increase material capture; empowered residents so that they can actively participate in recycling.
  • Access and Education: To reach and empower BIPOC populations with recycling access and education resources that meet their needs.
    • Impact: Expanded range of household populations reached; increased household capture; achievement of equitable access for all.
  • Leadership Training Programs: To create leadership opportunities in the sustainability sector for recent BIPOC college graduates through the “Fellowship Through Partnership” Program, offering experience and training.
    • Impact: Establishment of a diverse talent pipeline with exposure to the full recycling value chain; incorporation of diverse perspectives to deliver strong solutions.

Funding Source:
3M, Arconic Foundation, Coca Cola Foundation, Cox Enterprises, Kroger’s Zero Hunger Zero Waste Foundation, Procter & Gamble, and TAZO 

Funding Amount:

Funding Deadline:

E-mail Jessica at

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EPA Consumer Recycling Education and Outreach (REO) Grant Program

The EPA is seeking applications proposing projects that inform the public about new or existing residential or community recycling programs; provide information about the recycled materials that are accepted as part of a residential or community recycling program that provides for the separate collection of residential solid waste from recycled material; and increases collection rates and decreases contamination in residential and community recycling programs. Projects will improve consumer recycling education with the goal of achieving separate collection of recycled material across the nation, maximizing the efficient reuse of materials, and identifying strategies that otherwise result in an increase in volume of recyclable materials. The EPA also recognizes and encourages applications that demonstrate evidence-based messaging and strategies associated with effective communication campaigns designed to increase prevention, reuse, repair, remanufacture, recycling, anaerobic digestion, and composting in communities and/or decrease contamination in the recycling stream. This approach to community-informed messaging goes beyond education only by emphasizing researching the audience, building trust, and reducing audience barriers while emphasizing benefits for desired action.

Eligible Recipients:

An entity that is eligible to receive a grant under the grant program is—

  • a U.S. State, including the District of Columbia;
  • Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, and any agency or instrumentality thereof exclusive of local governments
  • a unit of local government as defined in the Local government provision of 2 CFR 200.1;
  • an Indian Tribe (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304));
  • a Native Hawaiian organization (as defined in section 6207 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7517));
  • the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands;
  • the Office of Hawaiian Affairs;
  • a nonprofit organization; or
  • a public-private partnership.

Eligible Projects:

Goal 1: Tackle the Climate Crisis;

  • Objective 1.1: Reduce Emissions that Cause Climate Change
  • Objective 1.3: Advance International and Subnational Climate Efforts

Goal 2: Take Decisive Action to Advance Environmental Justice and Civil Rights;

  • Objective 2.1: Promote Environmental Justice and Civil Rights at the Federal, Tribal, State, and Local Levels
  • Objective 2.2: Embed Environmental Justice and Civil Rights into EPA’s Programs, Policies, and Activities

Goal 6: Safeguard and Revitalize Communities

  • Objective 6.1: Clean Up and Restore Land for Productive Uses and Healthy Communities
  • Objective 6.2: Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination

Funding Source:


Funding Amount:

It is anticipated that approximately $30,000,000 will be awarded under this announcement, depending on the availability of funds, quantity and quality of applications received, and other applicable considerations.

Funding Deadline:

Application packages must be submitted electronically to the EPA through ( no later than February 15, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. (EST) in order to be considered for funding.


Jessica Oursler
U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery (MC 5306P)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW,
Washington, DC

More Information:

EPA Recycling Education and Outreach Grants

Projects funded through the grant program will inform the public about residential or community recycling programs; provide information about the recycled materials that are accepted; and increase collection rates and decrease contamination across the nation.

Eligible Recipients:

  • U.S. States, including the District of Columbia.
  • Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands.
  • Local governments.
  • Federally recognized tribal governments.
  • Native Hawaiian organizations, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
  • Nonprofit organizations.
  • Public-private partnerships.

Funding Source:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Funding Amount:
$15 million per year from Fiscal Years 2022 to 2026 to remain available until expended

EPA anticipates the Requests for Applications will be released this fall.


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Toyota USA Foundation

The Foundation is committed to enhancing the quality of education by supporting innovative programs and building partnerships with organizations dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Eligible Recipients:
In order to be eligible, organizations must be classified as a 501(c) (3) public charity by the Internal Revenue Service, be both located within the United States and have a national scope. Additionally, programs requesting funding must focus on education specifically in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Funding Source:
Toyota USA Foundation

Funding Amount:
Except when otherwise indicated, grants, of a minimum of $50,000 per year, are available to support the development and implementation of programs.

Applications accepted year-round


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Carton 2 Garden

The Carton 2 Garden Grant supports educational garden projects that enhance the quality of life for students and their local communities.

Eligible Recipients:
Any Pre K-12 public and private school planning a new garden program or expanding an established one that serves at least 15 youth between the ages of three and 18 is eligible to apply.

Eligible Projects:
Winners will be selected based on their implementation of an innovative garden creation featuring creative and sustainable uses for repurposed milk and juice cartons.

Funding Source:
Kids Gardening

Funding Amount:
Fourteen schools will be awarded prize packages, including a grand prize worth $5,000

March 25, 2019

132 Intervale Road
Burlington, VT 05401

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