
EPA Environmental Education (EE) Grants

The Environmental Education Grant Program is seeking applications from eligible applicants to support locally-focused environmental education projects that promote environmental stewardship and help develop knowledgeable and responsible students, teachers, and community members. This grant program provides financial support for projects that design, demonstrate, and/or disseminate environmental education practices, methods, or techniques that increase public awareness and knowledge about local environmental issues and provides participants in its programs the skills necessary to make informed decisions and to take responsible actions toward the environment.

Eligible Recipients:
Applicants must represent one of the following types of organizations to be eligible for an environmental education grant:

  • Local education agencies
  • College or universities
  • State education or environmental agencies
  • Nonprofit organizations described in Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Tribal organizations that qualify as nonprofit organization described Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Tribal education agencies
  • Noncommercial educational broadcasting entity as defined and licensed by Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

“Tribal education agencies” that are eligible to apply include a school or community college which is controlled by an Indian tribe, band, or nation, which is recognized as eligible for special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians and which is not administered by the Bureau of Indian Education.

Eligible Projects:
Applications must address at least one of these Educational Priorities to be considered eligible: community projects; career development; environmental education capacity building; environmental justice and/or indigenous knowledge.

Applications must also address at least one of the Administrator’s Environmental Priorities to be considered eligible: addressing climate change and improving air quality; ensuring clean and safe water; and/or cleaning up our communities by revitalizing land and preventing contamination.

Funding Source:
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Funding Amount:

The total amount of funding available under this announcement is approximately $360,000, depending on Agency funding levels, the quality of applications received, agency priorities, and other applicable considerations. It is anticipated that 3-5 awards will be made under this announcement. Each Region 2 grant will be funded for no less than $50,000, and no more than $100,000 in federal funds. Region 2 covers the states of New Jersey (NJ), New York (NY), Puerto Rico (PR), and the Virgin Islands (VI).

Deadline: November 8, 2023


If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:

Chiamaka Alozie, Region 2 (Electronic Submissions Contact)
Michael Band, HQ (Eligibility and General NOFO Contact)

Alozie.Chiamaka@epa.gov; EEgrants@epa.gov

More Information:


EPA Region 2 Sustainable Materials Management Grants

This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications that support the EPA Sustainable Materials Management Program, for the benefit of States or communities within EPA Region 2 (New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and eight Indian Nations). Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) is a systemic approach to using and reusing materials more productively over their entire life cycles. It represents a change in how our society thinks about the use of natural resources and environmental protection. By looking at a product’s entire life cycle, we can find new opportunities to reduce environmental impacts, conserve resources and reduce costs. Specifically, this RFA addresses the following programmatic priorities: Sustainable Management of Food, and Sustainable Packaging.

Eligible Recipients:
Consistent with CFDA No. 66.808, the following entities are eligible to compete under this solicitation: States, local, Tribal, interstate, and intrastate government agencies and instrumentalities, and non-profit organizations that are not 501(c)(4) organizations that lobby, including non-profit educational institutions and non-profit hospitals. Individuals and for-profit organizations are not eligible.

Eligible Projects:

  1. Sustainable Food Management (SFM) – SFM focusses on reducing food loss and waste and diverting food from the landfill according to EPA’s Food Waste Reduction Hierarchy, found at: https://www.epa.gov/sustainable-management-food/food-recovery- hierarchy. Source Reduction, otherwise known as waste prevention, is at the top of the hierarchy, followed by donation, industrial applications, and composting. This solicitation is open to projects focusing on source reduction strategies; i.e., this RFA solicits applications focused on preventing waste before it is generated. Even after source reduction strategies are applied, there is nearly always some unavoidable food waste. Including food donation and composting as project components to deal with this unavoidable remainder is acceptable, so long as source reduction is the primary focus of the project.
  2. Sustainable Packaging – Together, food and packaging/containers account for almost 45% of the materials landfilled in the United States. Common trash from consumer goods comprises the majority of what eventually becomes marine debris, polluting waterways and oceans. Plastics in the aquatic environment are of great concern because of their persistence and effects on the environment, wildlife, and human health. Sustainable packaging projects should focus on developing methods to reduce packaging waste and thereby decrease the quantity of materials directed toward the landfill. Simply increasing recycling rates of packaging waste is not an acceptable focus for this RFA. Fundable projects should strive to create lasting change in the community.

Funding Source:
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Funding Amount:
The total estimated funding expected to be available for all awards in this competitive opportunity is $200,000. EPA expects to make between 1-3 awards depending upon the quality of applications submitted.

Application Deadline:
The closing date and time for the receipt of applications is September 15, 2023, by 11:59 pm, Eastern Time (ET) in order to be considered for funding. Application packages must be submitted electronically to Grants.gov on or before this date and time in order to be considered for funding.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2
Attn: Dale Carpenter
290 Broadway, 22nd floor
New York, NY 10007-1866
(212) 637-4110

More Information:

EPA Source Reduction Assistance (SRA) Grant Program

EPA funds Source Reduction Assistance (SRA) grants to support research, investigation, experiments, surveys, study, demonstration, education and training using source reduction approaches (also known as P2 or pollution prevention).

EPA is particularly interested in projects that promote practical source reduction practices, tools, and training on P2 approaches to measurably improve human and environmental health by reducing the use of hazardous substances, reducing toxic pollutants, reducing resource use (e.g., water and energy) and reducing expenditures and liability costs to businesses, non-profit organizations and/or communities.

Eligible Recipients:

States, local, interstate, and intrastate government agencies and instrumentalities, federally recognized tribes, inter-tribal consortia and non-profit organizations formed under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (not 501(c)(4) organizations that lobby).

Eligible Projects:
Suggested project types include but are not limited to: prevention of greenhouse gas emissions; hazardous materials source reduction; innovative approaches to conservation of materials and resources; and environmental justice through P2 actions.

Funding Source:
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Funding Amount:
$1,135,000 in federal funds awards ranging from $40,000 to $250,000.

Funding Deadline:
Offered every two years

For general information, please contact Christina Bitten, Phone: 404-562-8569, Email: bitten.christina@epa.gov

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EPA State and Territories Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grants

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides $275,000,000 total from Fiscal Year 2022 to Fiscal Year 2026 for grants authorized under the Save Our Seas 2.0 Act. EPA will make available $30,000,000 in Fiscal Year 2023 for states and territories to improve post-consumer materials management programs through planning, data collection, and the implementation of plans.

Eligible Recipients:

The entities eligible to apply for this funding opportunity are:

  • U.S. States, including Washington, D.C.
  • U.S. Territories (Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands).

Eligible Projects:

Funding can be used for three categories of activities:

  • Develop or update plans to advance post-consumer materials management. Plans can be for Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 256 solid waste management plans or other planning documents (e.g., circular economy plans).
  • Develop, strengthen, and/or implement comprehensive data collection efforts that demonstrate progress toward the National Recycling Goal and Food Loss and Waste Reduction Goal. Data collection and measurement efforts should be designed to improve the state’s ability to track progress towards national and state recycling and/or circular economy goals. Data collection efforts could include state-wide or other targeted waste characterization studies.
  • Support the state-led implementation of plans to advance post-consumer materials management.

Funding Source:


Funding Amount:

EPA anticipates awarding up a total of $30,000,000 in fiscal year 2023.

Funding Deadline:

Participating states and territories have submitted a Notice of Intent to Participate (NOIP) to the EPA. EPA released the program guidance in grants.gov (pdf) (440 K) on December 15, 2022.

The first draft of workplans are due to the EPA by February 3, 2023.


Dale Carpenter Carpenter.Dale@epa.gov

More Information: https://www.epa.gov/rcra/grants-states-and-territories

EPA Political Subdivisions Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grants

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides $275,000,000 total from Fiscal Year 2022 to Fiscal Year 2026 for grants authorized under the Save Our Seas 2.0 Act. Projects funded through the funding opportunity will:

Implement the building a circular economy for all strategy series.
Improve local post-consumer materials management programs, including municipal recycling.
Make improvements to local waste management systems.

Eligible Recipients:

The entities eligible to apply for this grant were political subdivisions of states and territories. EPA considers counties, cities, towns, parishes, and similar units of governments that have executive and legislative functions to be political subdivisions of states and territories. Read the Eligible Applicants section of the Request for Applications for the full details (pdf).

Eligible Projects:

Materials and waste streams within scope of this funding opportunity include municipal solid waste, including plastics, organics, paper, metal, glass, and construction and demolition debris. This also includes the management pathways of source reduction, reuse, sending materials to material recovery facilities, composting, and industrial uses (e.g., rendering, anaerobic digestion), and feeding animals.

All applications must achieve one or more of the following objectives:

  • Establish, increase, expand, or optimize collection and improve materials management infrastructure.
  • Fund the creation and construction of tangible infrastructure, technology, or other improvements to reduce contamination in the recycled materials stream.
  • Establish, increase, expand, or optimize capacity for materials management.
  • Establish, improve, expand, or optimize end-markets for the use of recycled commodities.
  • Demonstrate a significant and measurable increase in the diversion, recycling rate, and quality of materials collected for municipal solid waste.

Applications may include (but are not limited to) projects that fund:

  • Innovative solutions and/or programs that provide or increase access to prevention, reuse, and recycling in areas that currently do not have access; including development of and/or upgrades to drop-off and transfer stations (including but not limited to a hub-and-spoke model in rural communities), etc.
  • The purchase of recycling equipment, including but not limited to sorting equipment, waste metering, trucks, processing facilities, etc.
  • Upgrades to material recovery facilities (MRFs) such as optical sorters, artificial intelligence, etc.
  • Development of and/or upgrades to composting facilities or anaerobic digesters to increase capacity for organics recycling.
  • Development of and/or upgrades to curbside collection programs or drop-off stations for organics.
  • Development of and/or upgrades to reuse infrastructure such as online reuse platforms, community repair spaces, technology and equipment to improve materials management reuse options, food donation, and upcycling, staging areas for material reuse/donation, reuse warehouses, and reuse centers, and electronic waste and computer recycling and refurbishing.

Funding Source:

Funding Amount:
The total estimated funding for the competitive opportunity was approximately $40,000,000. EPA anticipates awarding approximately 25 assistance agreements under this funding opportunity, with at least one award per each EPA Region. The minimum individual award floor is $500,000, and the maximum individual award ceiling is $4,000,000 for the grant period. This funding opportunity is in alignment with the Biden Administration’s Justice40 Initiative.

Funding Deadline:

EPA is accepting applications until February 15, 2023.

Contact: If you have questions about the grants, email SWIFR@epa.gov.

More Information: https://www.epa.gov/rcra/grants-political-subdivisions

USDA Fertilizer Production Expansion Program

The Fertilizer Product Expansion Program (FPEP) provides grants to help eligible applicants increase or otherwise expand the manufacturing and processing of fertilizer and nutrient alternatives and their availability in the United States.

Eligible Recipients:

Entities are eligible regardless of legal structure and may include, but are not limited to, Tribes, Tribal Entities, for‐profit entities, corporations, non‐profit entities, producer‐owned cooperatives and corporations, certified benefit corporations, and State or local government entities. Private entities must be independently owned and operated.

Eligible applicants must:

  • Operate within the U.S. or its territories;
  • Manufacture or process or plan to manufacture or process in accordance with all Federal, State, Tribal and local regulations governing fertilizer and nutrient alternatives, processing, storage, distribution, and waste management;
  • Be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) and must maintain annual SAM registration while an application is active and through the term of an award. Instructions on how to register your entity in the SAM.

Additionally, eligible applicants, including affiliates of the eligible applicant, must not hold a market share (in either manufacturing, processing, or distribution) greater than or equal to the entity that holds the fourth largest share of that market for any of the following nutrients or components: Nitrogen, or Phosphate, or Potash, or any combination of the three.

All applicants must certify whether they hold a market share greater than or equal to the top four manufacturers, or processors, or distributors of Nitrogen, or Phosphate, or Potash, or any combination of the three. If manufacturing or processing or planning to manufacture or process other eligible nutrients which are not listed above, no certification is required.

Eligible Projects:

  • Construction of a new facility or purchase of an existing facility for purposes of expanding capacity or increasing output, including the purchase of land;
  • Pre-development costs including, but not limited to, engineering and other professional fees;
  • Working capital to support expanded capacity or increased outputs;
  • Modernizing or expanding an existing facility, including expansion and modifications to existing buildings and construction of new buildings at existing facilities;
  • Purchasing new, or modernizing existing processing and manufacturing equipment;
  • Customizing, and installing equipment, devices, and technology that improves processing functions, worker conditions, or safety;
  • Modernizing, customizing, and installing climate‐smart equipment that reduces greenhouse gas emissions, increases fertilizer use efficiency, improves air and water quality, or meets one or more of USDA’s climate action goals;
  • Ensuring compliance with packaging and labeling requirements under applicable law (including sealing, packaging, boxing, labeling, conveying, and product moving equipment);
  • Ensuring compliance with occupational and other safety requirements under applicable law;
  • Engaging in workforce recruitment, training, apprenticeships, and retention to ensure expansion projects will be adequately staffed and crewed and offer opportunities to workers.

Funding Source:
FPEP grants are administered by USDA, Rural Development, Rural Business‐Cooperative Service (RBCS).

Funding Amount:
The maximum award amount is $100 million. The minimum award amount is $1 million.

Funding Deadline:

The first FPEP application window closed November 14, 2022.

FPEP applications submitted into the second window must be received by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on December 29, 2022. (90 days from 9/30/2022).

Applications received after the December 29, 2022 deadline or filed in any other manner will not be considered for funding.


Anthony Crooks: FPEP@usda.gov

More Information:

EPA Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant Program

The purpose of the Pollution Prevention grant is to provide businesses with technical assistance (e.g., information, training, tools) and to encourage the development and implementation of pollution prevention (P2) practices.

Eligible Recipients:

States, state entities (colleges and universities recognized as instrumentalities of the state), the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, any territory or possession of the U.S., and federally recognized Tribes and intertribal consortia.

Eligible Projects:
Projects must fit within one of the six established NEAs: food and beverage manufacturing and processing; chemical manufacturing, processing and formulation; automotive manufacturing and maintenance; aerospace product and parts manufacturing and maintenance; metal manufacturing and fabrication; and Indian Country and Alaska native villages.

Funding Source:
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Funding Amount:
Approximately $9.38 million in total federal pollution prevention grant funding has been awarded for FY 2022 – FY 2023 grants ($4.69 million in FY 2022 funds and $4.69 million in FY 2023 funds). Individual grant awards are up to $800,000 for the two-year funding period or $400,000 funded per year.

Funding Deadline:

Not currently accepting applications

Pollution Prevention Program
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Mail Code 7406-M
Washington, DC 20460
(202) 566-0799
Contact Information Webpage

More Information:

EPA Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS) Cooperative Agreement Program

The Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving (EJCPS) Cooperative Agreement Program provides financial assistance to eligible organizations working to address local environmental or public health issues in their communities.  The program assists recipients in building collaborative partnerships with other stakeholders (e.g., local businesses and industry, local government, medical service providers, academia, etc.) to develop solutions to environmental or public health issue(s) at the community level.

Eligible Recipients:

  • a community-based nonprofit organization (CBO); or
  • a partnership of community-based nonprofit organizations *

* A partnership must be documented with a signed Letter of Commitment from the community-based nonprofit organization detailing the parameters of the partnership, as well as the role and responsibilities of the partnering community-based organizations.

Eligible Projects:

Consistent with section 138(b)(2) of the Clean Air Act, applications submitted in response to this funding opportunity must address one of the following five broad categories:

  • community-led air and other pollution monitoring, prevention, and remediation, and investments in low- and zero-emission and resilient technologies and related infrastructure and workforce development that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants;
  • mitigating climate and health risks from urban heat islands, extreme heat, wood heater emissions, and wildfire events;
  • climate resiliency and adaptation;
  • reducing indoor toxics and indoor air pollution; or
  • facilitating engagement of marginalized communities in Local, State and Federal public processes, such as advisory groups, workshops, and rulemakings

Funding Source:
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Environmental Justice

Funding Amount:

The EJCPS Program anticipates awarding approximately $30,000,000 of Inflation Reduction Act funding through 83 cooperative agreements, organized in two tracks of funding, as follows:

  • $25,000,000 for CBOs proposing projects for up to $500,000 each. Approximately 50 awards for up $500,000 each are anticipated under this track.
  • $5,000,000 for qualifying small CBOs with 5 or fewer full-time employees proposing projects for up to $150,000 each. For more details about this opportunity, please review closely the “Small Community-based Nonprofit Set Aside”. Approximately 33 awards for up to $150,000 each are anticipated under this track.


To apply for this opportunity, view the RFA on Grants.gov. Applications packages must be submitted on or before April 14, 2023 at 11:59 PM (Eastern Time). Applicants should plan for projects to begin on November 1, 2023.

Office of Environmental Justice
Jacob Burney

More Information:

USDA Regional Food System Partnerships (RFSP) Grant

The RFSP supports partnerships that connect public and private resources to plan and develop local or regional food systems. The RFSP focuses on building and strengthening the viability and resilience of the local or regional food economy.

Eligible Recipients:

  • Producer
  • Farmer or Rancher Cooperative
  • Producer Network or Association
  • Majority-Controlled Producer-Based Business Venture
  • Food Council
  • Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Network or Association
  • Local Governments
  • Nonprofit Corporations
  • Public Benefit Corporations
  • Economic Development Corporations
  • Regional Farmers Market Authorities
  • Tribal Governments

Eligible Projects:
RFSP offers two grant types – Planning and Design and Implementation and Expansion.

1. Planning and Design – Projects which support partnerships in the early stages of convening, envisioning, and planning processes for developing local or regional food systems.

2. Implementation and Expansion – Projects which support partnerships building on prior or ongoing efforts within a local or regional food system.

Funding Source:
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Marketing Service

Funding Amount:

AMS anticipates approximately $56.5 million will be available in FY2023 for RFSP projects, including funds come from the American Rescue Plan. Any funds not awarded under this RFA will be made available through the RFA published in the next competitive award cycle. Funding may be contingent on Federal appropriations actions. USDA does not guarantee minimum funding levels or a specific number of awards.

Application Deadline:
Only applications submitted and validated by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on May 2, 2023, to Grants.gov will be accepted. See AMS’ Late and/or Non-Responsive Applications Policy.

After closely reviewing this RFA in its entirety, applicants and other interested parties are encouraged to contact the RFSP staff by e-mail with questions about the grant program at IPPGrants@usda.gov. For additional information, please visit the RFSP Website: https://www.ams.usda.gov/rfsp.

More Information:

USDA Water & Waste Disposal Grants to Alleviate Health Risks on Tribal Lands & Colonias

This program provides low-income communities, which face significant health risks, access to safe, reliable drinking water and waste disposal facilities and services.

Eligible Recipients:

  • State and local governmental entities serving eligible areas

  • Nonprofit organizations

  • Utility districts serving Colonias

  • Federally recognized tribes

What is an eligible area?

  • Federally recognized tribal lands
  • Areas recognized as Colonias before October 1, 1989
  • Rural areas and towns with populations of 10,000 or less

Residents of the area to be served must face significant health risks due to a lack of access to, or use of adequate, affordable water or waste disposal.

NOTE: Areas not located in a Colonia must meet per capita income and unemployment rate requirements. Contact your local RD office for information.

Eligible Projects:
Construction of basic drinking water and waste disposal systems, including storm drainage
NOTE: Utility districts may also be able to provide grants to individual households to install indoor plumbing and connect to the system.

Funding Source:
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development

Funding Amount:

Funding Deadline:
Applications are accepted year round through your local RD office.

Brian Murray, State Director
The Galleries of Syracuse
441 South Salina Street, Suite 357
Syracuse, NY 13202-2541
Voice: (315) 477-6400
Fax: (315) 477-6438

More Information: