
USDA Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG)

Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) is a competitive program that supports the development of new tools, approaches, practices, and technologies to further natural resource conservation on private lands. Through creative problem solving and innovation, CIG partners work to address our nation’s water quality, air quality, soil health and wildlife habitat challenges, all while improving agricultural operations.

Eligible Recipients:
National and State CIG – all non-Federal entities and individuals are eligible to apply. All CIG projects must involve EQIP-eligible producers.

Eligible Projects:
CIG generally funds pilot projects, field demonstrations, and on-farm conservation research.

CIG funds the development and field testing, on-farm research and demonstration, evaluation, or implementation of:
• Approaches to incentivizing conservation adoption, including market-based and conservation finance approaches; and
• Conservation technologies, practices, and systems.

Projects or activities under CIG must:
• Comply with all applicable Federal, Tribal, State, and local laws and regulations throughout the duration of the project;
• Use a technology or approach that was studied sufficiently to indicate a high probability for success;
• Demonstrate, evaluate, and verify the effectiveness, utility, affordability, and usability of natural resource conservation technologies and approaches in the field;
• Adapt and transfer conservation technologies, management, practices, systems, approaches, and incentive systems to improve performance and encourage adoption; and
• Introduce proven conservation technologies and approaches to a geographic area or agricultural sector where that technology or approach is not currently in use.

Funding Source:
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Environmental Quality Incentives Program

Funding Amount:
The total amount of Federal funding the agency expects to award through this opportunity is $15 million. The agency expects to make between 15 and 25 awards. The maximum CIG award is set annually by the NRCS Chief and historically has been either $1 million or $2 million. An applicant’s CIG funding request must be matched at least 1:1 with non-federal funding.

Application Deadline:
A CIG funding notice is announced each year.

Complete applications must be submitted through and e-mailed to the NRCS National Office at

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Forest Legacy Program – Northeast

The Forest Legacy Program is a partnership between States and the USDA Forest Service to identify and help conserve environmentally important forests from conversion to nonforest uses. The main tool used for protecting these important forests is conservation easements.

Eligible Recipients:
Landowners with property which lies partially or entirely within a designated Forest Legacy Area.

Eligible Projects:
Participation in the program is entirely voluntary. The primary method of protection is with conservation easements in which landowners sell a portion of the property rights and retain ownership of the land. The use of conservation easements allows the land to remain in private ownership and ensures that important public values such as wildlife habitat, natural areas, forest resources, and outdoor recreation opportunities are protected. Participating landowners may prefer to sell the property outright in which case the land would be owned by the State and managed as State Forest land.

Funding Source:
USDA Forest Service, NYSDEC, local and private sources

Funding Amount:

Matching Requirements:
Federal Funding: 75%
State, Local or Private Funding: 25%


NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Division of Lands and Forests
625 Broadway, 5th Fl.
Albany, NY 12233
Fax: 518-402-9028

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Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation Consolidating Funding Application (CFA)

The Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) is dedicating $17.2 million to trials, parks, and historic preservation and heritage area projects through the CFA. The CFA then provides this money to the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) to be given directly to municipalities and not-for-profits to help fulfill the ideals of the OPRHP.

Eligible Recipients:
Municipalities and not-for-profits with an ownership interest

Eligible Projects:
The use of funds for eligible projects includes the acquisition, planning, development, and improvement of parks and historic properties. These properties must be listed on the National or State Registers of Historic Places and heritage areas identified in approved plans for statutorily designated Heritage Areas.

Funding Source:
New York State Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation

Funding Amount:
Maximum of $500,000
50/50 Match required


Jean Egenhofer
Clark Reservation
State Park
6105 East Seneca Turnpike
Jamesville, NY 13078
Fax: 315-492-1756

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