
Keep America Beautiful (KAB) Great American Cleanup Program

Keep America Beautiful is celebrating the Great American Cleanup’s 25th year in 2023, between March 21 to June 22. As the country continues to deal with the pandemic, it is as important as ever to help end litter across our great nation. This means that we should all make sure that waste (including PPE) gets placed in the trash and we all recycle based on local capabilities.

Regarding litter collection, Great American Cleanup event organizers have been provided clear guidance to ensure that volunteer health is our first priority. All cleanups should adhere to guidelines from local, state, and federal public health officials so timely and accurate information can guide safe and appropriate activities in each location.

Eligible Recipients:

The Great American Cleanup prompts individuals to take greater responsibility for their local environment by conducting grassroots community service projects that engage volunteers, local businesses, and civic leaders. A successful Great American Cleanup project must fulfill the needs of the local community; that’s why we work with local community and business leaders, as well as other key stakeholders to gain knowledge about the community’s needs and carefully select and execute appropriate projects.

Eligible Projects:

During the Great American Cleanup, Keep America Beautiful affiliates, partner organizations, corporate partners and millions of volunteers:

  • Remove litter and debris from roadsides, highways, shorelines, and waterways for safer, cleaner communities
  • Plant trees, flowers, and gardens to strengthen our community’s green infrastructure
  • Clean and restore nature trails, recreation areas, and playgrounds to encourage play and physical activity
  • Recycle aluminum cans, plastic bottles, electronics, paper products, tires, clothing, and even junk cars to give garbage another life
  • Rebuild public spaces in communities struck by natural disasters to renew social connections and
  • Restore urban, suburban, and rural business districts and thoroughfares to spur economic impact

The Great American Cleanup, Keep America Beautiful’s signature community improvement national program, encourages everyone to participate in creating a country in which every community is a clean, green, and beautiful place to live.

Funding Source:
The Great American Cleanup National Sponsors

Funding Amount:
Free litter cleanup kits available while supplies last

More Information: