Brownfield Redevelopment

Brownfield Assessment Grants

This grant provided by the EPA provides funding for developing inventories of brownfields, prioritizing sites, conducting community involvement activities and conducting site assessments and cleanup planning related to brownfield sites. A critical part of the EPA’s assessment efforts is to ensure that residents can reap the benefits of brownfield redevelopment.

Eligible Recipients:
Local government as defined under 2 CFR 200.64; Indian Tribe; Redevelopment Agency sanctioned by the state; Government entity created by Sate Legislature; State; and Land Clearance Authority.

Eligible Projects:
Funds can be used for the direct costs associated with the inventory, assessment, and cleanup planning for brownfield sites for the Community, Site-Specific, and Coalition option areas.

Funding Source:
US Environmental Protection Agency

Funding Amount:
Varies. Maximum of $350,000 to $600,000 based on assessment.


Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization
Mail Code 5105 T
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20460

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Environmental Restoration Program

The NYS DEC has reinstated the Environmental Restoration Program to help municipalities investigate and remediate brownfield sites. After remediation, these sites will be able to be better utilized for commercial, industrial, residential or public use.

Eligible Recipients:

Eligible Projects:
Grants will be provided to assist with project costs when investigating and remediating brownfield sites.

Funding Source:
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Funding Amount:
Varies. Funding covers 90% of on-site and 100% of off-site eligible project costs.


Division of Materials Management
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233

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Funding Guidance for State and Tribal Response

The primary goal of this funding is to ensure that state and tribal response programs include, or are taking reasonable steps to include, certain elements and establish a public record. The secondary goal is to provide funding for other activities that increase the number of response actions conducted or overseen by a state or tribal response program. This funding is not intended to supplant current state or tribal funding for their response programs. Instead, it is to supplement their funding to increase their response program’s capacity.

Eligible Recipients:
To be eligible for funding a state or tribe must:

  • Demonstrate that its response program includes, or is taking reasonable steps to include, the four elements of a response program, described below; or be a party to voluntary response program Memorandum of Agreement (VRP MOA) with EPA; and
  • Maintain and make available to the public a record of sites at which response actions have been completed in the previous year and are planned to be addressed in the upcoming year.

Eligible Projects:
Eligible uses of funds include, but are not limited to, site-specific activities such as:

  • Conducting assessments or cleanups at brownfields sites (see next section for additional information),
  • Oversight of response action,
  • Technical assistance to federal brownfields cooperative agreement recipients,
  • Development and/or review of site-specific quality assurance project plans (QAPPs),
  • Preparation and submission of Property Profile Forms, and
  • Auditing site cleanups to verify the completion of the cleanup.

Funding Source:
US Environmental Protection Agency

Funding Amount:
Up to $1.5 million


John Struble
290 Broadway, 18th Fl.
New York, NY 10007
Fax: 212-637-4211

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Brownfield Opportunity Areas (BOA) Program

The Brownfield Opportunity Areas (BOA) Program provides municipalities and community-based organizations with assistance, up to 90 percent of the eligible project costs, to complete revitalization plans and implementation strategies for areas or communities affected by the presence of brownfield sites, and site assessments for strategic brownfield sites.

Eligible Recipients:
New York State municipalities and community-based organizations.

Two or more eligible applicants may, and are encouraged to, submit a joint application.

Eligible Projects:

  • Pre-Nomination Study – A basic and preliminary analysis of the area affected by brownfield sites.
  • Nomination – An in-depth and thorough description and analysis for properties located in the proposed Brownfield Opportunity Area, with key findings and recommendations.
  • Implementation Study – A description of the full range of techniques and actions that can be undertaken immediately. Site assessments may be eligible for funding.

Funding Source:
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Funding Amount:

Match Requirements:
Local cost share is 10%


Environmental Remediation
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233

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Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grant

The objective of the Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grant is to develop job training programs that recruit, train, and place local, unemployed and under-employed residents with the skills needed to secure full-time employment in the environmental field. The training focuses on solid and hazardous waste remediation, environmental health and safety, and wastewater-related training.

Eligible Recipients:
Government entities as defined in CERCLA Section 104(k)(1) or eligible nonprofit organizations as defined in Public Law 106-107, the Federal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act.

Eligible Projects:

  • Solid Waste Management or Cleanup training.
  • Superfund site cleanup and innovative and alternative treatment technologies training.
  • Wastewater treatment training.
  • Emergency planning, preparedness, and response training.
  • Enhanced environmental health and safety training.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM) training.

Funding Source:
US Environmental Protection Agency

Funding Amount:
Grants average $200,000


Schenine Mitchell
US EPA Region 2
290 Broadway, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10007

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