Local Government Training
November 17, 2017 (Batavia, NY)
- Setting the Stage to Talk Resiliency
Khristopher Dodson, Syracuse University Environmental Finance CenterMary Austerman, New York Sea Grant - Severe Weather and Climate Change Impacts
Judy Levan, National Weather Service
Scenario Building Exercise:
- New York Sea Grant and the Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University facilitated a scenario building exercise at the Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council’s annual fall local government training. Small groups (with grids and sticky notes) used community assets, e.g., built environment, transportation, utilities/ communications, natural environment, social environment, and economy, to identify how their communities might look under five scenarios: ice storm, blizzard, flash flood, wind storm, and loss of major employer.
Analysis from that session is below. NYSG and EFC are available to groups interested in utilizing scenario building exercises to assess resiliency options for their communities.
Assessing Future Vulnerabilities: analysis from the scenario building exercise
Khristopher Dodson, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center
Mary Austerman, New York Sea Grant