Scherman Foundation Core Fund

The Foundation’s Core Fund Environmental Program supports a variety of organizations seeking to protect the natural and human environment and to create a sustainable future. Because people experience and understand national and global environmental issues, including climate change, most palpably and deeply through local manifestations, the Foundation has emphasized efforts that mobilize residents to identify and advocate for community-initiated sustainable advances.

Eligible Recipients:
General operating support, especially for smaller neighborhood groups for whom the capacity to respond quickly and imaginatively to new opportunities and challenges is critical. For larger and policy-focused groups, and, in the case of collaborative campaigns, project-specific support may be appropriate.

Eligible Projects:
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: energy and climate, marine preservation, clean drinking water, and urban sustainability (targeted primarily in the New York City region).

Funding Source:
The Scherman Foundation

Funding Amount:
Grants average $35,000 over two years

Accepts LOIs online on ongoing basis

16 E 52nd St #601
New York, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 832-3086

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