This program helps promote energy independence by increasing the private sector supply of renewable energy and decreasing demand through greater energy efficiency. Making these efficiency and energy production changes will also help lower the energy costs for small businesses and agricultural producers.
Eligible Recipients:
- State, Tribal, or local government entities
- Rural electric cooperatives
- Land-grant colleges or universities, or higher education institutions
- Public power entity Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Councils
Eligible Projects:
Some examples of eligible projects are:
- Renewable energy technical assistance
- Energy audits
- Renewable energy site assessment
Funding Source:
US Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
Funding Amount:
Varies. A max of $100,000 can be awarded.
The Galleries of Syracuse
441 South Salina St. Suite 357
Syracuse, NY 13202
Fax: 315-477-6438
More Information: