This grant provided by the EPA provides funding for developing inventories of brownfields, prioritizing sites, conducting community involvement activities and conducting site assessments and cleanup planning related to brownfield sites. A critical part of the EPA’s assessment efforts is to ensure that residents can reap the benefits of brownfield redevelopment.
Eligible Recipients:
Local government as defined under 2 CFR 200.64; Indian Tribe; Redevelopment Agency sanctioned by the state; Government entity created by Sate Legislature; State; and Land Clearance Authority.
Eligible Projects:
Funds can be used for the direct costs associated with the inventory, assessment, and cleanup planning for brownfield sites for the Community, Site-Specific, and Coalition option areas.
Funding Source:
US Environmental Protection Agency
Funding Amount:
Varies. Maximum of $350,000 to $600,000 based on assessment.
Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization
Mail Code 5105 T
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20460
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