
Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF)

The CWSRF provides interest-free or low-interest rate financing for wastewater and sewer infrastructure projects to municipalities throughout New York State. EFC provides both short and long-term financing, interest-free or low interest to accommodate municipalities of all population sizes with varying financial needs.

Eligible Recipients:
Funding is available for financing community water supply systems. Eligible applicants include municipalities, Indian reservations wholly within NYS and water authorities.

Eligible Projects:
The program funds a large variety of projects aimed at water quality improvement. Applicants must first list their projects on the CWSRF Intended Use Plan (IUP) Annual List before being eligible for funding. Funds are provided as they become available and more applicants may apply than the amount of funds available for the year. Eligible projects and costs include municipally owned treatment works projects, stormwater/non-point source (NPS) projects, national estuary projects; and construction, repair, or replacement of municipal decentralized wastewater treatment systems that treat municipal wastewater or domestic sewage.

Cost Share Requirements:
Eligible water quality projects whose primary purpose is water protection may be financed for the entire cost of the project. Projects with a primary purpose other than water quality may be eligible for partial financing.

Funding Source:
NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation


NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation

Tel: 518-402-6924


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