Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

The DWSRF provides a significant financial incentive for public and private water systems to finance needed drinking water infrastructure improvements (e.g. treatment plants, distribution mains, storage facilities).  The DWSRF provides subsidized low-interest rate financing and limited grants for construction of eligible water system projects. As financings are repaid, money will be available to be used again for new financings—a true revolving fund. For communities with demonstrated financial hardship, interest rates can be reduced to as low as zero percent.

Eligible Recipients:
Drinking water systems that are eligible for funding are community water systems, both public and privately owned, and non-profit, non-community water systems.

Eligible Projects:
Projects eligible for DWSRF financing include investments to upgrade or replace infrastructure:

  • Rehabilitation or development of new drinking water sources to replace contaminated supplies.
  • Installation or upgrading of facilities if the project will improve the quality of drinking water to comply with primary or secondary standards or treatment/performance criteria.
  • Installation or upgrading of storage facilities.
  • Installation or replacement of transmission and distribution mains to prevent contamination caused by leaks or breaks.
  • Funding/construction to promote the consolidation of water
    supply services.
  • The purchase of a portion of another system’s capacity.
  • Security of drinking water systems.

Funding Source:
NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation

Funding Amount:


NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12207

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