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Welcome to the latest edition of the EFC eNews! Inside, you'll find recent news from EPA and other partners and organizations on environmental policy and issues, new publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a total of $260,000 to two organizations for work that will improve water quality in Onondaga Lake and the Onondaga Lake watershed.

The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) has used a $200,000 EPA grant to hire an Onondaga Lake Watershed Coordinator for a two-year period. The Onondaga Environmental Institute will use a $60,000 EPA grant to train people in Syracuse to develop, build, install and maintain controls on stormwater using green infrastructure. Green infrastructure is an approach to water management that protects, restores, or mimics the natural water cycle and enhances quality of life for communities.

Read the Full Article from EPA   

Topics and speakers are being sought for the 3rd Annual Long Island Green Infrastructure Conference and Expoto be held on June 11, 2014 at the Town of North Hempstead's LEED Platinum "Yes We Can" Community Center in Westbury, New York


Abstracts are requested by October 18, 2013 for presentations of 15 to 60 minutes in duration pertaining to topics listed below or related topics. Where applicable, sessions will be certified for P.E. credits and/or Landscape Architecture credits. To facilitate this, if your topic is selected, a copy of your presentation (PowerPoint, etc.) must then be submitted by January 31, 2014.


Audience: Elected and appointed municipal officials; engineers and planners; landscape architects; developers and builders; non-profits and community groups


Suggested Topics: Green infrastructure for coastal resource protection; green energy and energy management;runoff control and flood control, retrofitting, coastal resiliency, hazard mitigation planning; adaptation to sea level rise; climate change adaptation; hazard resistant plantings; wetland protection and restoration; revising local codes and ordinances, environmental justice issues; septic system water quality impact mitigation; community planning; where and how to re-build; practical low cost applications; green infrastructure practices; lessons learned/in need of learning upon the tenth anniversary (2013) of the MS4 regulations.

Learn More 

In August, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that $45 million in grants are available for Water Quality Improvement Projects (WQIPs) by municipalities, soil and water conservation districts and non-profit organizations. The WQIP program is a competitive, reimbursement grant program for projects that improve water quality, reduce polluted runoff, and restore habitat in New York's bodies of water. Recipients can be reimbursed 75 percent to 85 percent of the project costs, depending on the type of project. Application deadline is November 8, 2013.


Application materials for Water Quality Improvement Projects are available for download on DEC's website at http: // Application materials are also available by calling (518) 402-8267. All project applications must be postmarked by November 8, 2013.

Read the Full Story   

With the support and donation from Filtrexx International CCREF has founded a Young Investigator Scholarship. The focus of the program is to help support a young professionals research in the fields of compost use and application and the soil water connection.


The US Composting Council is looking for a student (undergraduate through PhD) whose research and interests are focused on composting. More specifically, the ideal candidate will have interest in compost application and utilization as it relates to reducing erosion and water pollution.


The goal of the Young Investigator Scholarship is to bring attention to emerging young professionals in the field of compost research and to spark interest in the future of the composting industry.


Submissions Open: September 10, 2013

Application Deadline: October 20, 2013

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Workshops, Trainings & Webinars
October 21st-22th, 2013 
Oncenter Complex, Syracuse, NY

Registration now open!
Early-Bird Rate - $120 
Partner Program Institution Student - Complimentary Registration    
Non-Partner Program Institution Student - $40 
Registration includes access to the Symposium program on Tuesday as well as the evening networking reception on Monday night. 

Register Now

NEW! Student Poster Competition 
Monday - October 21st
Judging starts at 4:00pm, followed by networking and awards at the 5:00pm Monday reception.
Cash prizes are available! $500 will be awarded for first prize. For more information, download the flyer.  


For additional program information, contact Lisa Ruggero at


Sponsorship Information

For more information on sponsorship opportunities, contact Tammy Rosanio at    
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Upcoming Smart Growth Webinars from EPA

EPA's Smart Growth Program invites you to attend two upcoming webinars:  

Smart Growth and Economic Success 
September 18, 3:00pm-4:00pm

This webinar will explore how smart growth strategies at the regional, city, and neighborhood level can maximize economic advantages while creating attractive, healthy communities that help protect the environment.  

Infrastructure Financing for Transit-Oriented Development September 24, 3:00 - 4:00 Eastern

Transit-oriented development (TOD) offers a mix of housing, employment, shopping, and transportation choices that can help reduce air pollution and development on open lands and improve water quality and access to jobs. Yet the infrastructure required to create TOD is expensive and funding for infrastructure for new TOD can be difficult to obtain. This webinar will cover some of the lessons learned from a year-long Smart Growth Implementation Assistance project on financing TOD infrastructure. Speakers from the Utah Transit Authority and the NoMa Business Improvement District in Washington, DC will then discuss TOD in their communities.

 Learn More & Register  
University Roundtable on Organics Diversion: Reduction, Recovery and Recycling 
September 25, 2013 | 10:00pm-3:30pm 
Marist College

Join representatives from colleges across the Hudson Valley and beyond to discuss successes, challenges, and more with food recovery on campus. The program includes:

  • Campus Case Studies by Marist College, Vassar and Bard
  • Methods for Food Scrap Diversion: CWMI, NY DEC
  • Food Recovery Challenge Overview: US EPA
  • Facilitated Discussion: Waste Diversion, Food Recovery, and Organics Management in the Hudson Valley  

Who Should Attend: Campus sustainability coordinators, facilities managers, dining services representatives, food pantries/banks, and environmental club representatives


This event is free! Lunch is provided.


Register: To register, please send your request for participation including your: Name, Title, Organization/College/Department and Phone Number to Lisa Ruggero at


Click here to view the schedule.


Contact: Melissa Young,    


Green Bag Lunch on Cultural Resources and Entertainment

September 13, 2013 | 12:00pm-1:30pm 
Syracuse Center of Excellence 
727 E. Washington Street, Rm 203

GreeningUSA and the Syracuse Center of Excellence Center for Sustainable Community Solutions are inviting community members and experts in each of the 12 Traitsİ to participate and be recognized for their contributions!


You will not only be helping our community move toward sustainability, but you will be helping to create a model for communities across the country to use!


This event is free! Bring your own lunch, drinks will be provided.  


Contact: Peter Arsenault,    


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Funding Opportunities
Training and Technical Assistance for Small Systems 

EPA's Fiscal Year 2013 appropriation directs the Agency to competitively award $12.7 million for training and technical assistance to small public water systems, wastewater systems and private well owners located in urban and rural communities.  


The purpose of these cooperative agreements is to: 

  • Provide training and technical assistance to small public water systems to achieve and maintain compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA);  
  • Provide training and technical assistance to small public water systems on a wide range of managerial and/or financial subjects to achieve and maintain compliance with the SDWA; or  
  • Provide training and technical assistance to small publicly-owned wastewater systems, communities served by onsite/decentralized wastewater systems and private well owners to help improve water quality.
Funding Agency: US EPA  
Amount: EPA expects to award from four to nine cooperative agreements totaling up to $12.7 million.  
Deadline: September 16, 2013
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations, private non-profit universities and colleges, and public institutions of higher education are eligible to apply.

Learn More

Rural Community Development Initiative Grants
The objective of the Rural Community Development Initiative Grants program is to develop the capacity and ability of private, nonprofit community-based housing and community development organizations, and low income rural communities to improve housing, community facilities, community and economic development projects in rural areas.

Rural Community Development Initiative grants may be used for but are not limited to
(a) training sub-grantees to conduct a program on home-ownership education; (b) training sub-grantees to conduct a program for minority business entrepreneurs; (c) providing technical assistance to sub-grantees on how to effectively prepare a strategic plan; (d) provide technical assistance to sub- grantees on how to access alternative funding sources; (e) building organizational capacity through board training; (f) developing training tools, such as videos, workbooks, and reference guides to be used by the sub-grantee; (g) providing technical assistance and training on how to develop successful child care facilities; and (h) providing training on effective fundraising techniques.

Funding Agency: USDA Rural Development 
$5.6 million available total  
Deadline: November 12, 2013
Eligibility: Recipient entities must be legally organized private, nonprofit community-based housing and community development organizations, low income rural communities, and Federally recognized Indian Tribes.

Learn More

In This Issue 

EPA Provides $260,000 to Improve Water Quality in Onondaga Lake and Beyond; Grants to Fund an Onondaga Lake Watershed Coordinator and Green Jobs Training Program
Governor Cuomo Announces $45 Million in Water Quality Improvement Grants
US Composting Council Announces Scholarship Program
Registration Now Open for the 13th Annual SyracuseCoE Symposium: Urban Reinvention and Resilience
Upcoming Smart Growth Webinars from EPA
University Roundtable on Organics Diversion: Reduction, Recovery and Recycling
Green Bag Lunch on Cultural Resources and Entertainment
Training and Technical Assistance for Small Systems
Rural Community Development Initiative Grants


Green Bag Lunch on Cultural Resources and Entertainment
Syracuse, NY | September 13, 2013 | GreeningUSA & SyracuseCoE CSCS  

University Roundtable on Organics Diversion: Reduction, Recovery and Recycling
Marist College | September 24, 2013 | 

13th Annual SyracuseCoE Symposium on Environmental and Energy Systems
Syracuse, NY | October 21 & 22, 2013

Recycling: Expanding the Team - NYS Recycling Conference and Trade Show
Cooperstown, NY
November 13-14, 2013

SAVE THE DATE: NYS Green Building Conference 
Syracuse, NY | March 27-28, 2014 | College of Environmental Science and Forestry,  U.S. Green Building Council New York Upstate Chapter, Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems 


About EFC 

The  Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University facilitates the development of sustainable and resilient communities across US EPA Region 2 (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and eight tribal nations).   


Located at the SyracuseCoE Center for Sustainable Community Solutions, EFC enhances the administrative and financial capacities of state and local government officials, nonprofit organizations, and private sectors to make change toward improved environmental infrastructure and quality of life.

EFC Staff

Ana V. Arache

Program Coordinator

Aimee Clinkhammer  
Project Specialist

Khristopher Dodson

Senior Program Manager

Kathy Forrest
Budget Administrator

Mark Lichtenstein
Executive Director and
Principal Investigator

Mandy Westerdahl
Communications Manager

Melissa Young
Senior Program Manager
Tara Baron 
Laura Cardoso
Caitlin Eger  
Paul Esposito
Gabi Levinson 
Kate Palermo
Danielle Preiss 
Lisa Ruggero   
Project Assistants

Please visit our website,, or
contact us at
Environmental Finance Center programs and projects are supported in part by funding from USDA-RD and EPA.

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, and familial status.  


To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6582 (TDD).  


To reach us via the NYS Relay Service, please dial 7-1-1. If you are calling from within Syracuse University, please dial 800-662-1220. Click here to download instructions on how to use this service.

You may also contact us via e-mail at