cropped green roof
  EFC News                                 September 2008 
News and events provided by the Environmental Finance Center, EPA Region 2
          Fostering Sustainable Communities· Promoting Green Building· Advancing Sustainable Infrastructure
New EFC Logo

Issue Contents

  • Fall '08 TAPF
  • Webcast
  • Workshop
Upcoming Events

April '09
~PMFP Conference~

More details coming soon.
EFC Contacts:

Mark Lichtenstein

Sara Pesek
Associate Director
Lisa Cleckner
Program Manager 

Melissa Young
Program Manager

Mary Ellen Gilbert
Budget Manager

Please visit our website at  or contact us at

 Fall '08 Technical Assistance Partnership Forum!

Dr. Russell D. Briggs
~ Professor
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Assessing Agricultural Best Management Practice Effectiveness in the Skaneateles Lake Watershed

Sara Pesek ~ Associate Director
Environmental Finance Center- EPA, Region 2
An overview of Green Infrastructure Options for Municipalities
     ...and more!
Event Information                                               
November 6, 2008
Goldstein Student Center, Room 201BC
401 Skytop Rd
Syracuse, NY 13244

*To register for this forum please visit our website at

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Liquid Assets:
The Story of Water Infrastructure - Sept 30
Produced by Emmy award winning Penn State Public Broadcasting, Liquid Assets is a 90 minute, $1 million dollar, documentary project that will begin airing on public television stations this Fall. 
Join us on Tuesday, September 30, from 2-3 p.m. EDT for a free webcast to learn more about how you can work with other local groups to make the most of Liquid Assets.  We will consider how to maximize viewership, build partnerships, and organize special events that generate local dialogue on infrastructure investment. Reserve your seat at

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Upcoming Workshops:
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and New York Main Street Programs
The Office of Community Renewal is conducting six (6) free, day-long workshops at locations throughout New York State to provide an overview of the 2009 funding rounds, grant administration training, and technical assistance. 
For more information :   visit
Environmental Finance Center:
Serving our Community through Outreach and Education
Feel free to pass on our news and events to colleagues and friends. Please let us know how we can better serve our community of technical assistance providers, community leaders, and community members.

                                                               The EFC Staff