515 Tully
Upcoming Events

Advanced Energy 2009
November 18 & 19, 2009
The Hyatt Regency Long Island, Hauppauge, NY
You may check out conference details by visiting the For Attendees page or viewing the Conference Program.
Historic Preservation and Green Design Workshop
November 19, 2009, Newburgh NY
Session 1 - For building professionals and architects 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Session 2 - For home and building owners 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Register at www.newburghlibrary.org and click on "Calendar of Events"
or call 845-563-3624.

Smart Water Management: From Watershed to You
Technical Assistance Partnership Forum
November 19, 2009 10-2pm.
Syracuse University Goldstein Center
For more information please visit efc.syracusecoe.org

Green Design and Energy for Practioners
This program will offer continuing education credits (CEUs) for planning and zoning board members to help them meet 4 hours/year state requirement.
November 30, 6-9 pm,
Fire Training Center
35 Firemen's Memorial Drive, Pomona NY 10970
RSVP: Hudson Valley Regional Council: (845) 564-4075
E-Mail:  hvrc@hvi.net

Overview of green design and energy issues for planning and zoning officials  
November 30
Fire Training Center
35 Firemen's Memorial Drive, Pomona NY 10970
RSVP: Hudson Valley Regional Council: (845) 564-4075
E-Mail:  hvrc@hvi.net

Education and Workforce Development for the Emerging Sustainable Economy 
December 4, 9:00 - 4:30 pm
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Plant Science Building,  2801 Sharon Turnpike (Route 44), Millbrook, N.Y.  

Wastewater Panels-Training for Elected Officials on Wastewater Management-NYSDEC
September-December at a variety of locations in NY State
For more information please visit: www.nywea.org 

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NYSERDA Opens Second Round of State Energy Plan Funding

NYSERDA announces the availability of more than $49 million through the second round of RFP 1613 , Project Implementation funding from the State Energy Program.  RFP 1613 has a competitive application process and funds will be awarded based on the value of the project.  Eligible proposers include municipal governments, public K-12 schools, Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), public universities or colleges, public and private hospitals, and non-profit organizations.  Each proposed project must fall into one of the following categories: energy efficiency; renewable energy; or alternative fuel vehicles. Each applicant will be eligible to receive funding up to 100% of the project cost with a limit of $1,000,000 per applicant.  Applications are due by 5pm on November 23, 2009.  Eligible proposers that applied to RFP 1613 in Round 1 and did not receive funding are encouraged to modify their application and re-apply through the second round.  Application support services are available - contact Amy Santos at santosa@pirnie.com for more information.

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Gas well drilling in the Marcellus Shale

      The NYS DEC has released the draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement for horizontal drilling and high-volume hydraulic fracturing to develop the Marcellus Shale.
     The Marcellus Shale is a black shale formation extending deep underground from Ohio and West Virginia northeast into Pennsylvania and southern New York.
horizontal wellGeologists estimate that the entire Marcellus Shale formation contains between 168 trillion to 516 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. It is not yet known how much gas will be commercially recoverable from the Marcellus in New York. To put this into context, New York State uses about 1.1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas a year.
      Hydraulic fracturing of the Marcellus Shale will require large volumes of water to fracture the rocks and produce the desired amount of gas. Each well may use more than one million gallons of water.
    Hydraulic fracturin
g consists of pumping a fluid and a propping material such as sand down the well under high pressure to create fractures in the gas-bearing rock. The propping material (usually referred to as a "proppant") holds the fractures open, allowing more gas to flow into the well than would naturally. 
     The hydraulic fracturing fluid typically contains compounds added to the water to make the hydraulic fracturing process more effective. These may include a friction reducer, a biocide to prevent the growth of bacteria that would damage the well piping or clog the fractures, a gel to carry the proppant into the fractures, and various other agents to make sure the proppant stays in the fractures and to prevent corrosion of the pipes in the well.
    More information, including general information about fracturing fluid additives, is available in the report Hydraulic Fracturing Considerations for Natural Gas Wells in the Marcellus Shale released in September 2008.

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 Green Jobs, Green NY

    Signed by Gov Paterson on October 13th, this new program will fund $112 million worth of energy-saving repairs for middle-class homeowners and small businesses. The money will be distributed in the form of revolving loans of up to $13,000 for homeowners and $26,000 for small businesses. Borrowers will pay back their loans with money saved on their utility bills. Gov. Paterson expects the program to stimulate the creation of 14,000 jobs statewide as demand for contractors rises.
     The program will be funded by the auction of carbon credits through the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). RGGI auctions over the last two years have raised $126 million, with an estimated $75 million more expected in the next two auctions this year. Although borrowers will pay back the full amount of their loans, their energy usage is expected to drop by 30-40%. Even with the loan payments, the cost reduction will yield a net savings to the property owner.
     In partnership with the Department of Labor, NYSERDA will create green workforce training programs to ensure that the state's workforce is large and proficient enough to handle mass-scale retrofitting. Local contractors will be able to expand their crews, creating new and permanent jobs in green construction and manufacturing.

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NY Main Street Grant Program

     NY Main Street LogoOn September 22, Governor Paterson signed legislation that will enhance the State's efforts to revitalize downtown business districts across the State. The new law converts a five-year-old agency initiative, known as New York Main Street, into a statewide program that will allow local governments to apply to the Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) for NY Main Street program resources. Previously, only not-for-profit organizations were eligible for funding through the program. The new law also increases the maximum grant award from $200,000 to $500,000.
       The New York Main Street program helps stimulate reinvestment in community and commercial centers by providing resources for building rehabilitation, façade renovations, and streetscape enhancements. The program enc
ourages adaptive reuse of critical "anchor" buildings. It also provides for and encourages investment in mixed-use projects that provide economic and housing opportunities. Since 2004, DHCR has conducted seven competitive funding rounds, issuing 265 awards in 175 communities, totaling $61.34 million. The program also provided $8 million for relief of some flood-damaged main streets in 2006. For more information, please go to: www.nymainstreet.org

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Liquid Assets: The Story of Water Infrastructure
Broadcast rights are available (free) to non-commercial, educational cable stations through April 30, 2010. Liquid Assets The Story of Water Infrastructure is an award winning documentary created by Penn State Public Broadcasting.  The $1 million dollar project is provocative and informing as it explores the deteriorating condition of U.S. water infrastructure.

The 90 minute PBS film includes segments on wastewater, federal regulations, asset management and the funding gap, amongst others.  It is a perfect complement to public meetings as it makes the compelling argument for a reinvestment in water infrastructure.

Visit www.WaterIsLife.net for more information or email loken@wef.org for a list of cablecast provisions.  To download a public outreach kit, access grades 6-12 educational resources for teachers, or purchase a copy for $24.95, visit http://liquidassets.psu.edu/.

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If not, click here, and get on the list today!

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Environmental Finance Center
Serving our Community Through Outreach and Education

EFC Staff
efc staff
Please visit our website: efc.syracusecoe.org  or contact us at efc@syracusecoe.org