cropped green roof
      EFC News                      October, 2008
News and events from the Region 2 Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University
   Fostering Sustainable Communities · Promoting Green Building · Advancing Sustainable Infrastructure 
2008 Symposium Banner
In This Issue:
  • Fall '08 TAPF
  • NY Online Farmers Market
  • Water Infrastructure Education Tools
  • Greening Your Government Webinar
  • Hudson Valley Green Building Conference
Upcoming Events
  • April '09 PMFP Conference
EFC Staff:

Sara Pesek

Mark Lichtenstein
Principal Investigator

Melissa Young
Program Manager

Lisa Cleckner
Program Manager

Mary Ellen Gilbert
Budget Manager

Please visit our website at  or contact us at

    **Attention NY Representatives**
You are invited to our upcoming..

Technical Assistance Partnership Forum
November 6 at Syracuse University

*Registration includes a hot lunch buffet. For more details and to register please visit our website at

We look forward to seeing you there!
New NY Online Farmers Market!

Rural communities in New York face challenges to sustain their local agriculture. Supporting local food infrastructure is a first step towards decreasing energy use and contributing to improving local water quality.

The Environmental Finance Center is proud to launch, a virtual farmers market that connects NY producers, consumers, and traders.

We love NY and hope that this new web tool facilitates networking between NY Producers and NY Consumers.

Sign up today at!
Eye Catching Graphics & Compelling Slogans for
Water Infrastructure Education

Water Is Life, and Infrastructure Makes It Happen™ (WIL) has unveiled more new bill stuffers and door hangers and ads that are free, downloadable and customizable for your outreach efforts.  WIL themes include public health, the environment, and economic stability with an overarching message promoting the image of water professionals.  

Visit to see the new materials under "toolkit."  While you're there - register for updates to track WIL and the infrastructure investment education effort being organized by WEF, NACWA AWWA, ASCE, and other sister organizations.  The purpose is to elevate the debate and discussion on water infrastructure issues, particularly during the election year and into 2009.

Water Is Life, and Infrastructure Makes It Happen™ is a public education initiative of the Water Environment Federation with support from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies.  For more information contact Lorraine Loken, WEF senior manager of public communications at or call 703-684-2487.

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Greening Your Government-Webinar

Learn how to implement and enhance state and local green building policy and programs from national experts - right at your own computer!

This three-part webinar series will feature speakers from across the nation sharing strategies and success stories in developing green building programs site.
Learn More
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4th Annual Conference on Green Buildings and Energy for the Mid-Hudson Region
November 13, 2008
Central Valley, NY

Energy efficiency technologies, concepts and resources that can provide significant near-term cost savings in existing and new buildings! 

The event is aimed at community leaders and decision makers in local government, business, environmental, planning, design, contracting and development, lending, property management, education, and other sectors.
*Download the flyer on our website at

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Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University
Serving our Community through Outreach and Education

Please pass on our news and events to colleagues and friends. And Feel free to drop us a note and let us know how we can better serve our community of technical assistance providers, community leaders, and community members.

EFC Staff