Welcome, and enjoy the latest edition of our monthly EFC newsletter! Inside, you'll find recent news from EPA and other partners and organizations on environmental policy and issues, new publications, upcoming events, and funding opportunities. For more information, or to submit news and events, please feel free to contact us or visit our website.
Sara Pesek Director Environmental Finance Center |
EPA Launches New Website to Protect Wetlands
From helping control floods to serving as natural buffers against water pollution to providing recreational opportunities and habitat for fish and wildlife, wetlands offer benefits almost too numerous to count. To help protect these vital areas, members of the public can help EPA by reporting suspected violations of the federal laws that protect wetlands in EPA Region 2. Violations can now be easily reported on EPA's website. Once a suspected violation is submitted on the website, EPA scientists will perform an investigation to determine if regulatory action is required. For the full story, click here.
Stormwater Outreach Tools
In late October, EPA hosted a webinar, "Conducting Effective Stormwater Outreach," to help state and local agencies, municipalities, watershed groups and others design effective outreach initiatives. The archived webcast is now available online on EPA's website.
EFC Announces Mini-Grants for Agriculture and Water Quality, Sustainable Materials Management
With support from USDA-RD, EFC is pleased to announce seven available mini-grants of up to $5,000 for research conducted by students, academic institutions, governments, and non-profits on issues relating to agriculture and water quality, as well as sustainable materials management in rural communities. Applications are now due on Nov. 11, 2011. For more information, visit the EFC website. |
2012 National Urban and Community Forestry Cost Share Grants
The call for proposals for the U.S. Forest Service 2012 Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost Share grant program is now available. Applications are due to grants.gov by Dec. 1, 2011. For more information, visit the grants.gov website.
Conferences, Trainings & Webinars
Growing Green Infrastructure in New York
Syracuse, NY | Nov. 16-17
Growing Green Infrastructure in New York, hosted by EFC and SUNY-ESF Outreach, will provide a focused discussion and gathering of leaders, professionals, researchers, government officials, and others who wish to learn more about advances in green infrastructure applications and connections to workforce development, community vitlaity and Smart Growth principles. Wed. Nov. 16 What is i-Tree? Hosted by SUNY ESF Outreach Soils and Hydrology for Green Infrastructure * *7.0 PDHs Available for Completing this Workshop** Hosted by the CNY Regional Planning and Development Board Bus Tour of Green Infrastructure Projects in Syracuse Save the Rain Pre-Conference Networking Reception and Project 50 Celebration Thursday, Nov. 17 Growing Green Infrastructure Conference For more information on programming and to register, click here. |
Stormwater Management Training Series
Syracuse, NY | Various Dates
The CNY Regional Planning & Development Board is pleased to announce that registration for the 2011 - 2012 Stormwater Management Training Series is now open. This year, CNYRPDB is partnering with the Environmental Finance Center at the Syracuse Center of Excellence to present 5 professional level stormwater training courses:
- Soils & Hydrology for Green Infrastructure (Nov. 16)
- Applied Green Infrastructure (Jan. 11)
- Stormwater Ponds and Wetlands (Feb. 8)
- Management for Linear Projects (Mar. 15)
- SWPPP Preparation and Review (Apr. 25)
The courses will be taught by John Dunkle, P.E and Deb Caraco, P.E. Seven PDHs will be awarded for each course completed. For full course descriptions, location information and on-line registration, click here.
The Environmental Management Systems of E-Scrap Recyclers
Online | Nov. 14, 2011
1:30-2:45PM EDT
This webinar is intended to provide an overview of the dominant E-Scrap Recycling Standards and underlying Environmental Management Systems (EMS) in use today. Speakers include: Sarah Westervelt, Basel Action Network; Corey Dehmey, Momentum Management Consulting; Ned Eldridge, eLOOP, LLC; Karrie Gibson, Vintage Tech Recyclers Inc.; and Jack Himes, PA Recycling Markets Center.
To learn more and to register, |
Municipal Recycling Webinars
The New York Product Stewardship Council and the New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse & Recycling, in partnership with Call2Recycle, are offering a free webinar series on municipal recycling that runs through this fall. Topics include: - The ABCs of EPR and OCRRA - Recycling Efforts Unique to Municipalities (Nov. 2)
- A Tale of Two Communities - How EPR & Recycling are Keeping Washington State 'Evergreen' (Nov. 17)
To learn more and register, click here. |
EPA Announces Schedule to Develop Natural Gas Wastewater Standards
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a schedule to develop standards for wastewater discharges produced by natural gas extraction from underground coalbed and shale formations. No comprehensive set of national standards exists at this time for the disposal of wastewater discharged from natural gas extraction activities, and over the coming months, EPA will begin the process of developing a proposed standard with the input of stakeholders - including industry and public health groups. For the full story, click here.
NJ DEP Launches New Permit to Spur Use of Energy-Efficient Technology
As part of its commitment to a cleaner and more diverse energy future for New Jersey as well as common sense regulations, the Department of Environmental Protection has developed a new general permit to make it faster and easier for a wide range of facilities such as small- to moderate-size manufacturers, office complexes, apartment complexes, hospitals, schools and other institutions to turn energy used for heating into electricity. For the full story, click here.
Khristopher DodsonCommunications and Program ManagerKathy ForrestAdministrative AssistantMark Lichtenstein Principal InvestigatorCarissa MatthewsOutreach Program ManagerSara PesekEFC DirectorMandy WesterdahlEducation Program ManagerMelissa YoungProgram Manager Interns: Brad DeFrees | Rebekah Jones Sam Lauritzen | Lisa Ruggero
Nov. 9, 2011:
NEIWPCC Training:
Advanced Process Control
Fishkill, NY
Nov. 15, 2011:
NEIWPCC Training: O&M of Wastewater Collection Systems
Green Island, NY
Nov. 16-17, 2011:
Growing Green Infrastructure in New York
Syracuse, NY
Dec. 12, 2011:
NEIWPCC Training: Train the Trainer Workshop
Yorktown, NY
Funding Opportunities
Helpful links for funding sources, as well as a number of published funding guides, can be found here at the EFC website.
Featured GPE Project
Green Project Exchange
is a user-driven database that showcases innovative, environmentally focused projects from across New York State.
This month's featured project is "Alliance For a Greener Downtown". The Alliance For A Greener Downtown was created in April, 2011. A group of 20 Gaffer District Business Association merchants, this Alliance began collaborating to enhance the awareness of green services and products in the downtown business community. The focus of AFGD is to create a greener downtown business district by raising awareness of green products and services available within the business district, educating businesses and the community on the importance of choosing green alternatives, and encouraging environmentally friendly practices among shop owners.
About EFC
The Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University facilitates the development of sustainable and resilient communities across US EPA Region 2 (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and eight tribal nations). Located at the SyracuseCoE Center for Sustainable Community Solutions, EFC enhances the administrative and financial capacities of state and local government officials, nonprofit organizations, and private sectors to make change toward improved environmental infrastructure and quality of life. |