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Welcome to the latest edition of the Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center eNews! Inside, you'll find recent news from EPA and other partners and organizations on environmental policy and issues, new publications, funding opportunities, and events.
SU-EFC Releases 2014 New York State Guidebook Series 

SU-EFC is creating a Resource Guidebook Series to aid local officials in various aspects of rural municipal governance and assistance in New York State. The following guidebooks are currently available on the SU-EFC website: Comprehensive Plan Development, Succession Planning, and Grant Writing. The following guidebooks will be available soon: Capital Improvement Planning, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Planning Boards.


To order free hard copies of publications, contact Khris Dodson at

SU-EFC on Facebook 

Get to know us, and keep up to date with the latest activities, events, and news from the Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center by "liking" the SU-EFC page on Facebook! 


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Workshops, Trainings & Webinars
City of Binghamton 50/50 Stormwater
Management Fund 

June 10, 2014 | 10:00am-3:00pm
Binghamton Club | 83 Front St, Binghamton, NY 13905
Please RSVP at
2 PDHs Pending through the Practicing Institute of Engineering

The City of Binghamton will host a no-cost training event on June 10th from 10am to 3pm to share the incentivized program for landowners and developers to implement Green Infrastructure practices throughout the city.

This program provides up to a 50% match toward the cost of installation of Green Infrastructure.  

USDA-RD Consulting Engineers Statewide Training 

June 12th, 2014 | 8:30am - 4:30pm
Syracuse Center of Excellence
727 E. Washington Street, Syracuse, NY
5.5 PDHs Approved through the Practicing Institute of Engineering 
Register Now

Presented by USDA Rural Development and hosted by Syracuse EFC, this training will provide consulting engineers with information regarding documentation needs for municipal water and wastewater projects funded through USDA Rural Development. The training is not recommended for applicants (such as municipal officials), but they are welcome to attend.

Learn More  

The Chesapeake Stormwater Network is offering a series of stormwater management webcasts at no cost. Space is limited and registration is required. 


12:00-1:30PM EST  


This webinar will provide an overview of the best tools and tracking systems for managing energy consumption and cost data, including a brief demo and discussion of the key features and benefits of each. Tools to be discussed include EPA's Energy Star Portfolio Manager, Facility Dude's UtilityTrak, and WegoWise.


Thursday, June 12 | 10:30am-12PM EST 

To join the webinar, click here. Click the "Join a meeting" button and enter Conference ID 58089 in the "Meeting Login" screen. On your telephone, dial 1-866-394-2346 and enter conference call code 1982360347# when prompted. Respond with both your name and community affiliation via either e-mail or telephone to the Office of Climate Change or 518-402-8323.  



Directory of Regional Climate Change Adaptation Programs of Federal Natural Resource Agencies


Several federal natural resources agencies have organized multi-state, regional programs or initiatives to deliver climate change adaptation information and assistance at a regional level. The EPA National Water Program has created a directory of regional climate change adaptation programs of federal natural resource agencies as a tool to strengthen coordination to assist in preparing for a changing climate.   


Designing Water Rate Structures for Conservation and Revenue Stability

The Environmental Finance Center and the Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter have collaborated on a report, Designing Water Rate Structures for Conservation and Revenue Stability, to help Texas water utilities use their water rates and financial policies to encourage customers to reduce their water use while still maintaining the financial viability of the utility. The report introduces a menu of rate structure, billing, and financial practice options that can be adopted by utilities that promotes conservation AND ensures revenue stability in locally appropriate combinations.   



Funding Opportunities
Integrated Planning Technical Assistance Grant 

In May, EPA announced the availability of technical assistance funding for communities seeking support to develop and implement an integrated planning approach to meeting Clean Water Act (CWA) requirements, specifically for municipal wastewater and stormwater management. The program will help EPA develop practical examples and provide useful information to communities across the nation that are interested in integrated planning.  


Sponsor: United States Environmental Protection Agency
Available Funding: $335,000 total funding available, up to five awards will be made
Deadline: Letter of Interest due June 27, 2014

2014 Farmers Market Promotion Program Grants  

The goals of FMPP grants are to increase domestic consumption of and access to locally and regionally produced agricultural products, and to develop new market opportunities for farm and ranch operations serving local markets by developing, improving, expanding, and providing outreach, training, and technical assistance to, or assisting in the development, improvement, and expansion of domestic farmers' markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture programs, agri-tourism activities, and other direct producer-to-consumer market opportunities.

Sponsor: United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Marketing Service
Available Funding: $15,000 to $100,000
Deadline: June 20, 2014

In This Issue 

SU-EFC Releases 2014 New York State Guidebook Series
SU-EFC on Facebook
City of Binghamton 50/50 Stormwater Management Fund
USDA-RD Consulting Engineers Statewide Training
2014 Chesapeake Bay Stormwater Network Webcast Series
Climate Smart Communities Webinar: Energy Management Resources for Local Governments
Directory of Regional Climate Change Adaptation Programs of Federal Natural Resource Agencies
Designing Water Rate Structures for Conservation and Revenue Stability
Technical Assistance Grant (TAG)
2014 Farmers Market Promotion Program Grants
News: SU-EFC in the Caribbean
SU-EFC Co-Hosts Composting Training in Bordeaux, VI 
The Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center, Virgin Islands Partnership, and several other organizations partnered to offer a free hands-on workshop, "The ABCs of Composting," at the Sustainable Sunday Bordeaux Farmer's Market on the west end of Saint Thomas in late May.
Funds from Clean Air Act Settlement will Expand Barceloneta Recycling Program
At a May 12th meeting of
the SU-EFC facilitated Puerto Rico Recycling Partnership, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that it has settled a case with Pfizer Pharmaceuticals LLC for the company's violations of the Clean Air Act. The settlement includes $410,000 to expand the municipal recycling program in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.  

About Us

The Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center facilitates the development of sustainable and resilient communities throughout US EPA Region 2 (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and eight tribal nations), across the US, and internationally.
Located at the SyracuseCoE Center for Sustainable Community Solutions, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center enhances the administrative and financial capacities of state and local government officials, nonprofit organizations, and private sectors to make change toward improved environmental infrastructure and quality of life.

Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center Staff

Ana V. Arache
Project Assistant 

Lydia Brinkley

Research Assistant

Laura Cardoso  
Program Coordinator

Aimee Clinkhammer
Project Specialist

Brad DeFrees
Program Coordinator

Khristopher Dodson
Associate Director

Caitlin Eger 
Project Assistant 

Kathy Forrest
Budget Administrator
Kaira T. Fuentes
Project Assistant 
Mark Lichtenstein
Executive Director and
Principal Investigator
Mónica Salazar Ortiz
Project Assistant

Kate Palermo
Jessica Seiglie Quiñones
Project Assistant

Lisa Ruggero 
Project Assistant
Brandon Strouse
Communications Assistant
Lucy Tomkiewicz
Communications Assistant
Mandy Westerdahl
Communications Manager

Kyle Wilkinson
Project Assistant  

Melissa Young
Assistant Director

Please visit our website,, or
contact us at
Environmental Finance Center programs and projects are supported in part by funding from USDA-RD and EPA.

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, and familial status.  


To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6582 (TDD).  


To reach us via the NYS Relay Service, please dial 7-1-1. If you are calling from within Syracuse University, please dial 800-662-1220. Click here to download instructions on how to use this service.

You may also contact us via e-mail at