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      EFC News                                                        July 2009
News and Events from the Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University
 Rural Leadership Development· Infrastructure Education & Outreach
University-Community Collaborations
New EFC Logo
In This Issue:
  • Upcoming Events
  • CUPSS Communities
  • Asset Management Training Update
EFC Staff

  Sara Pesek

  Melissa Young
  Program Manager

  Mary Ellen Gilbert
  Budget Manager

Eva Rippeteau
  Associate Program     

  Kathy Forrest                
  Administrative Assistant

Please visit our website:          
or contact us at

Interested in Project Funding? Are you signed up for the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation listserv? 

If not, click here,
and get on the list today!
Upcoming EFC Events                          
Attn: Community Leaders and Project Managers 
       Register today and join us for the upcoming event: 
August 20
-A Technical Assistance Partnership Forum-

10am to 2pm, Thursday August 20
Where: RIT Conference Center, Rochester NY
5257 West Henrietta Road,
W. Henrietta, NY 14586

*Registration is $25. Lunch is included in registration.

For more information and to register, visit our events page at
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CUPSS Communities 

Check Up Program for Small Systems (CUPSS) is an EPA tool for small communities seeking help with managing the assests and finances of their small drinking water and wastewater systems. We are interested to learn about your experiences using the program.

If you are currently using this program, or have used it in the past, please contact
Melissa at to share your experience.

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Asset Management Training Recap

Thanks to all who joined Melissa Young (EFC) and Phil Smith (NYS DEC) for the Water Asset Management Training this month in Rochester.

If you weren't able to join us, here is a recap: Melissa began with an explanation of the CUPSS tool (see above) as a way to measure and monitor water systems. Following her presentation, a 15-minute overview of Liquid Assets was shown, a documentary on the history and current status of water infrastructure in the United States. After a delicious Italian dinner, the group heard from Phil Smith who explained the Top 10 key steps to managing water assets, while meeting DEC compliance standards.

Thanks to all the participants who engaged in lively and informative discussions at this event!

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Environmental Finance Center

Serving our Community Through Outreach and Education

Please pass on our news and events to colleagues and
friends. And feel free to drop us a note and let us know how
we can better serve our community of technical assistance

providers, community leaders, and 
community members.

EFC Staff