DiNapoli: $89 Billion Shortfall for Essential Infrastructure Projects Over the Next Two Decades
New York faces a shortfall of up to $89 billion in funding for water, sewer and transportation infrastructure over the next two decades, according to a report issued today by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. The report is the latest in a series of reports DiNapoli will issue to highlight the causes of fiscal stress in New York's local governments.
While local governments have tried to maintain their infrastructure assets during difficult fiscal times, rising construction and energy-related costs have increased much faster than the rate of capital spending, and have eroded the purchasing power of capital project dollars, according to DiNapoli's report.
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Workshops, Trainings & Webinars
Local Leaders Conference - Smart Management for Small Communities: Practical Resources for Governance
Environmental Finance Center April 23-25, 2013 Minnowbrook Conference Center Blue Mountain Lake, NY
Training Topics Include: Finance Tools, State and Federal Funding Updates, Community Engagement, Land Use Planning for Rural Communities, Energy and Water Resources, Sustainable Materials Management
Who should attend: Supervisors, Mayors, Council/Board Members, Clerks, and Other Interested Community Leaders
Contact Brad DeFrees at 315-443-8488 or bdefrees@syracusecoe.org with any questions or session ideas.
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Green Bag Lunch - Land Use & Resource Development
GreeningUSA, SyracuseCoE CSCS January 11, 2012 - 12:00pm-1:00pm Syracuse Center of Excellence Room 203
Panel speakers for this GBL include Andy Maxwell (City of Syracuse), Emanuel Carter (ESF), Jane Rice (EDR), Megan Costa (SOCPA), and Rich Cunningham (Thoma Consultants). The Green Bag Lunch Series is designed to bring public and private sector experts to the table to help create a comprehensive set of best practices for municipalities to make their communities more sustainable. Learn More
Cost: Free and open to the public. Who should attend: Anyone interested in helping communities become more sustainable. BYO: Bring your own lunch! Hot and cold beverages will be provided
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Central New York Stormwater Management Training Series
Smart Growth and Economic Success: Benefits for Real Estate Developers, Investors, Businesses, and Local Governments
US EPA Office of Sustainable Communities
(December 2012)
National Water Program 2012 Strategy: Response to Climate Change
US EPA (December 2012)
EFC Announces Mini-Grants RFPs for Asset Management, and Agriculture and Water Quality
Asset Management Inventory Development Eligible Applicants: Rural NYS municipalities Agricultural & Water Quality Improvement Studies Eligible Applicants: Students and researchers at academic institutions, governmental and non-profit organizations With support from USDA Rural Development, the Environmental Finance Center will fund three proposals in each category up to $5,000 each. All submissions must be received by 5:00pm on February 1st, 2013, to be considered. Learn More For more information, contact Khris Dodson at kdodson@syracusecoe.org.
Water Resources Research National Competitive Grants Program
Deadline: 4:00pm EST, February 21, 2013
Funding Agency: U.S. Geological Survey, National Institutes for Water Research
Amount: Up to $250,000
The U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the National Institutes for Water Resources requests proposals for matching grants to support research on the topic of improving and enhancing the nation's water supply, including evaluation of innovative approaches to water treatment, infrastructure design, retrofitting, maintenance, management, and replacement; evaluation of the dynamics of extreme hydrological events and associated costs; development of methods for better estimation of the physical and economic supply of water; alternative approaches and governance mechanisms for integrated management of ground and surface waters; and the evaluation and assessment of conservation practices.
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January 15, 1:30-2:45 Biodegradable Plastic Resins: Debunking the Myths - Webinar - National Recycling Coalition, Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center
Environmental Finance Center - Deadline: February 1, 2013
The Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University facilitates the development of sustainable and resilient communities across US EPA Region 2 (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and eight tribal nations).
Located at the SyracuseCoE Center for Sustainable Community Solutions, EFC enhances the administrative and financial capacities of state and local government officials, nonprofit organizations, and private sectors to make change toward improved environmental infrastructure and quality of life.
EFC Staff
Ana V. Arache Program Coordinator
Aimee Clinkhammer Project Scientist
Khristopher Dodson
Communications and Program Manager
Kathy Forrest
Administrative Assistant
Mark Lichtenstein
Executive Director and Principal Investigator
Mandy Westerdahl
Program Manager
Melissa Young
Program Manager
Tara Baron
Laura Cardoso Brad DeFrees Gabi Levinson
Lisa Ruggero
Tracy Verrier
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, and familial status.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6582 (TDD).