Happy Holidays! We hope you enjoy this latest edition of our monthly EFC newsletter. Inside, you'll find recent news from EPA and other partners and organizations on environmental policy and issues, new publications, upcoming events, and funding opportunities. For more information, or to submit news and events, please feel free to contact us or visit our website.
Sara Pesek Director Environmental Finance Center |
EFC Releases New Publications: Sustainable Materials Management Funding, Reuse Guides
The Environmental Finance Center is proud to announce the release of new publications focused on sustainable materials management. These publications include the 2011 Funding Guide for Capital Projects in Sustainable Materials and The Reuse It! Guide. The funding guide was created to help guide local governments and non-profits in New York State in search of federal, state, and third party financing for sustainable capital projects. The reuse guide outlines simple ways to reduce waste through reuse, and highlights reuse organizations with more information and resources about the world of reuse. To access the guides, click on the images below.
NRDC Releases "Rooftops to Rivers II"
The Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC) recently released Rooftops to Rivers II. The report provides case studies for 14 geographically diverse cities - including Syracuse and New York City - that are all leaders in employing green infrastructure solutions to address stormwater challenges. These cities have recognized that stormwater, once viewed as a costly nuisance, can be transformed into a community resource. To learn more and to download the report, click here.
New EPA Publication on Using Biological Assessment to Support Water Quality Management
EPA has published A Primer on Using Biological Assessment to Support Water Quality Management. This technical document serves as a primer on the role of biological assessments in a variety of water quality management program applications including reporting on the condition of aquatic biota, developing biological criteria, and assessing environmental results of management actions. The primer provides information on new technical tools and approaches for developing strong biological assessment programs and examples of application of biological assessment information by states and tribes. To download the publication, click here.
EFC Extends Mini-Grants Deadline for Sustainable Materials Management
With support from USDA-RD, EFC is pleased to announce mini-grants of up to $5,000 for research conducted by students, academic institutions, governments, and non-profits on issues relating to sustainable materials management in rural communities in New York and Puerto Rico. Applications are now due on Dec. 14, 2011. For more information, visit the EFC website. |
NYSERDA Energy Audit Program
Municipalities in New York State will no longer be eligible for the NYSERDA Energy Audit Program in 2012. Applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Dec.15. For more information and to apply, visit the NYSERDA website.
Conferences, Trainings & Webinars
Updating Local Codes to Cultivate Green Infrastructure and Foster Sustainable Stormwater Management
Online | Dec. 13, 2011 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. EST
This free 2-hour webinar will offer practical strategies and case studies for amending zoning language, development standards, and review processes to improve MS4 stormwater permit compliance and encourage sustainable stormwater management approaches, including green infrastructure practices. To learn more and register, click here. |
Applied Green Infrastructure Training
Syracuse, NY | Jan. 11, 2012
Integrating Green Infrastructure techniques for stormwater management has changed the design paradigm from an "end-of pipe" treatment approach to one encompassing source control. Using the techniques and standards outlined in the 2010 NYDEC Stormwater Design Manual, this course will explore the process of selecting and designing effective GI practices, and review the method for computing the associated runoff reduction. Designed as an in-depth follow-up to last year's introduction to Green Infrastructure, this training will emphasize applications to numerous development conditions, and discuss some of the nuances of these stormwater management techniques identified in practice over the past year. For more information and to register, click here.
EPA Develops New Planning Approach to Improve Water Quality in U.S. Cities
U.S. EPA has announced a commitment to using an integrated planning process to help local governments dealing with difficult financial conditions identify opportunities to achieve clean water by controlling and managing releases of wastewater and stormwater runoff more efficiently and cost effectively. The integrated planning process, outlined in a guidance memo to EPA's regional offices from EPA's Office of Water and Office of Enforcement and Compliance, will help municipalities prioritize infrastructure investments to address the most serious water quality issues and provide flexibility to use innovative, cost-effective stormwater and wastewater management solutions. For the full story, click here. |
EPA Announces Final Study Plan to Assess Hydraulic Fracturing
U.S. EPA has announced its final research plan on hydraulic fracturing. At the request of Congress, EPA is working to better understand potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water resources. Natural gas plays a key role in our nation's clean energy future and the Obama Administration is committed to ensuring that we continue to leverage this vital resource responsibly. For the full story, click here.
Final Intended Use Plans for CWSRF and DWSRF Now Available
The 2012 Federal Fiscal Year Final Intended Use Plans (IUPs) for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) are now available from the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation. The IUPs explain the CWSRF and DWSRF programs and list projects eligible for CWSRF and DWSRF financial assistance between October 1, 2011 and September 30, 2012. For more information, visit the NYS EFC website. |
EPA Honors Puerto Rico Environmental Leaders
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has honored a number of individuals and businesses from Puerto Rico with Environmental Quality Awards for their achievements protecting public health and the environment. EPA Regional Administrator Judith Enck presented the awards to this year's recipients at a ceremony at EPA's offices in San Juan, Puerto Rico. For the full story and a list of winners, click here.
Khristopher DodsonCommunications and Program ManagerKathy ForrestAdministrative AssistantMark Lichtenstein Principal InvestigatorCarissa MatthewsOutreach Program ManagerSara PesekEFC DirectorMandy WesterdahlEducation Program ManagerMelissa YoungProgram Manager Interns: Yusuf Abdul-Qadir | Brad DeFrees Sam Lauritzen | Lisa Ruggero
Dec. 8, 2011:
Monticello, NY
Dec. 12, 2011: NEIWPCC Training: Train the Trainer Workshop Yorktown, NY Details Dec. 13, 2011: Updating Local Codes to Cultivate Green Infrastructure and Foster Sustainable Stormwater Management Online Details Jan. 11, 2012: Applied Green Infrastructure Training Syracuse, NY Details SAVE THE DATE Apr. 10-12, 2012 Smart Management for Small Communities Blue Mountain Lake, NY |
Funding Opportunities
EFC: Mini-Grants in Sustainable Materials Management
Deadline: Dec. 14
NYSERDA: Energy Audit Program
Deadline: Dec. 15
NYS Environmental Facilities Corp: Hurricane Emergency Loan Program (HELP)
Deadline: Dec. 31
EPA: Sustainable Chesapeake: A Community-Based Approach to Stormwater Management Using Green Infrastructure
Deadline: Jan. 11
EPA: Urban Waters Small Grants
Deadline: Jan. 23
Helpful links for funding sources, as well as a number of published funding guides, can be found here at the EFC website.
Social Media
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Featured GPE Project
Green Project Exchange
is a user-driven database that showcases innovative, environmentally focused projects from across New York State.
This month's featured project is Rahma Edible Forest Snack Garden. The Snack Garden edible forest ecosystem will provide an alternative snack source and showcase a model which can then be replicated in many other communities.
About EFC
The Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University facilitates the development of sustainable and resilient communities across US EPA Region 2 (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and eight tribal nations). Located at the SyracuseCoE Center for Sustainable Community Solutions, EFC enhances the administrative and financial capacities of state and local government officials, nonprofit organizations, and private sectors to make change toward improved environmental infrastructure and quality of life. |