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EFCN Offers Financing Workshop for Small Water Systems in Chenango 
Financing Workshop for Small Water Systems
May 14, 2013 - 9:30am-5:00pm   
Town of Chenango, Town Hall
1529 State Rte 12, Binghamton, NY 13901  

This training is for drinking water systems serving 10,000 or fewer customers. Topics will include rate setting, capital planning, affordability and available loans and grants. While operators are welcome, this training is best suited for individuals who make financial decisions for the water system. The deadline for registration is May 9.

This program is being offered through Smart Management for Small Water Systems, a program of the Environmental Finance Center Network (EFCN), which consists of the Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University and nine other EFC's nationwide. This program is made possible under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Learn More & Register

Save the Rain a Major Focus of Joanie Mahoney's State of the County Address  
County Executive Joanie Mahoney devoted over six minutes to the achievements of Onondaga County's Save the Rain program in her State of the County address on March 5, 2013. Mahoney also notes that Syracuse, in collaboration with EPA Region 2, will hold a National Green Infrastructure conference with nine other partners. The Environmental Finance Center is leading the Public Education and Outreach aspect of the Save the Rain program. 


Draft Rensselaer Plateau Regional Conservation Plan Now Available


The Rensselaer Plateau Alliance is accepting comments on the Draft Rensselaer Plateau Regional Conservation Plan until May 1, 2013. Access the plan below to review the plan and submit written comments to
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Draft Regional Conservation Plan 
Workshops, Trainings & Webinars
Webinar: Smart Growth and Equitable Development 
April 9, 2013 - 2:00pm-3:00pm EST
No pre-registration is required. 
This webinar provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is on how communities are using equitable development and smart growth strategies to create neighborhoods that are healthy, sustainable, and inclusive.


Who should attend: Government officials, planners, developers, community organizers, and others interested in equitable development for communities.

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TRASHED Screening  
Tuesday, April 9, 2013 - 6:15pm
Syracuse University, Maxwell Hall Room 204
Food will be provided



SU's STEP (Students for Tomorrow's Environmental Policy), in conjunction with the EFC, will be hosting a special screening of a new eye-opening documentary starring Academy Award winning actor Jeremy Irons about the impact of waste on the planet. All are welcome.

 About the Film


"In the new docu-feature TRASHED, Jeremy Irons sets out to discover the extent and effects of the global waste problem, as he travels around the world to beautiful destinations tainted by pollution. This is a meticulous, brave investigative journey that takes Irons (and us) from skepticism to sorrow and from horror to hope."


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Planning for Renewable Energy
Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 10:00am - 1:30pm 
The Gateway Center
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry 
1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 
This complimentary event is sponsored by the NYS Climate Smart Communities program, the CNY Regional Planning & Development Board, and SUNY-ESF. After the presentations and webinar, a catered lunch will be served, followed by a tour of the combined heat-and-power system and green roof at SUNY-ESF's Gateway Center.
The registration deadline is April 9.    
Please send your name, title, affiliation, address, and telephone number to 

Ninth Annual Symposium on Energy in the 21st Century     

April 12, 2013
"The Links" in East Syracuse, NY

The Symposium is in an informal atmosphere that creates a particularly dynamic and rich environment for all as traditional partners and the public at large explore critical energy issues with experts.  

Spring Greening: An Educator Conference on Teaching Green

Sessions - Exhibits - Green Building Tours - Bus Tours

April 30, 2013 - 8:00am-2:45pm - Syracuse Center of Excellence 727 E. Washington St., Syracuse, NY 13210

This conference is a collaborative effort of the SyracuseCoE Center for Sustainable Community Solutions, NYS Pollution Prevention Institute, Partners for Education & Business, Onondaga Community College, GreeningUSA, and Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency.  


Session, workshop, and bus tour topics include green infrastructure, sustainable materials management, and more, as well as teacher-to-teacher exchange sessions on teaching and going green.  


Cost: Free - Substitute funding available on request.

Who should attend: K-12 teachers & administrators from all NYS school districts, environmental educators, community organizations

Contact: Mandy Westerdahl, SyracuseCoE CSCS, 





Asset Management Workshop for Small Water Systems 
May 6, 2013 - 9:30pm-5:00pm
San Juan, Puerto Rico - Location TBD 
This workshop will provide an overview of the five core components of Asset Management including interactive exercises and a discussion on implementation. Participants may contact the EFCN instructors after the training with questions that arise during implementation. All participants will be provided with an electronic copy of the Asset Management Manual.


This program is being offered through Smart Management for Small Water Systems, a program of the Environmental Finance Center Network (EFCN), which consists of the Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University and nine other EFC's nationwide. This program is made possible under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

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Green Bag Lunch on Buildings and Housing
May 10, 2013 - 12:00pm-1:00pm
Syracuse Center of Excellence
727 E. Washington Street, Rm 203

GreeningUSA and the Syracuse Center of Excellence Center for Sustainable Community Solutions are inviting community members and experts in each of the 12 Traitsİ to participate and be recognized for their contributions!


You will not only be helping our community move toward sustainability, but you will be helping to create a model for communities across the country to use!


This event is free! Bring your own lunch, drinks will be provided.  


Contact: Peter Arsenault,    


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Tools and Publications


Fourth Edition by: Environmental Protection Agency
(March 2013)   

This report provides a summary of the major climate change-related accomplishments of EPA's national and regional water programs in 2012.  


Environmental Protection Agency
(March 2013)
This report provides information to communities and operators on funding programs to help ensure that green infrastructure projects are operated and maintained to optimize long-term performance and effectiveness.

wastewater handbook 2013  

Second Edition by: NYWEA and the Environmental Finance Center 
(January 2013) 
Funding Opportunities
Environmental Education Minigrant Program Deadline Approaching  
Environmental Education Minigrant Program: 
Mitigating Pollution Through Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Materials Management
Mini-GrantsIn order to implement pollution prevention initiatives throughout K-­12 schools in EPA Region 2 and also connect the "lessons learned" to more positively impact communities, SyracuseCoE CSCS will award a total of 30 sub-grants to fund community projects, based at local school districts. These projects will either implement green infrastructure technologies or create sustainable materials management programs.    


Deadline: April 30, 2013 at 5:00pm

Amount: Maximum per grant award $5,000 


Learn More 

Choice Neighborhood Initiative Planning Grant 
The Choice Neighborhood Initiative Planning Grant provides funding to help communities develop comprehensive grassroots plans (Transformation Plans) that link affordable housing with quality education, public transportation, good jobs and safe streets. Neighborhood revitalization plans should achieve three core goals: transform distressed public and assisted housing into energy efficient and mixed-income housing, support positive outcomes for families who live in the target development(s), and transform high-poverty neighborhoods into viable mixed-income communities. 
Funding Agency: US Department of Housing and Urban Development
Amount: Up to $5 million
Deadline: May 1, 2013
Eligible Applicants: Public housing authorities (PHAs), local governments, nonprofits, tribal entities and for-profit developers that apply jointly with a public entity 

In This Issue 

News/Event: Financing Workshop for Small Water Systems Comes to Chenango
News: Save the Rain a Major Focus of Joanie Mahoney's State of the County Address
News: Draft Rensselaer Plateau Regional Conservation Plan Now Available
Event: Webinar: Smart Growth and Equitable Development
Event: TRASHED Screening
Event: TRASHED Screening
Event: Ninth Annual Symposium on Energy in the 21st Century
Event: Spring Greening: An Educator Conference on Teaching Green
Event: Green Bag Lunch Buildings and Housing
Publication: 2012 Highlights of Progress: Responses to Climate Change
Publication: Green Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Practices
Publication: Wastewater Management Handbook for Local Representatives
Funding Opportunity: Environmental Education Minigrant Program Deadline Approaching
Funding Opportunity: Choice Neighborhood Initiative Planning Grant



April 12th - Ninth Annual Symposium on Energy in the 21st Century  

East Syracuse, NY


April 23-25 -  Minnowbrook Local Leaders Conference
Environmental Finance Center, Blue Mountain Lake, NY
Syracuse, NY
Syracuse, NY - Greening USA
Chenango, NY - Environmental Finance Center Network 


Choice Neighborhood Initiative Planning Grant 
HUD - 2013 Deadline: May 1, 2013

About EFC 

The  Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University facilitates the development of sustainable and resilient communities across US EPA Region 2 (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and eight tribal nations).   


Located at the SyracuseCoE Center for Sustainable Community Solutions, EFC enhances the administrative and financial capacities of state and local government officials, nonprofit organizations, and private sectors to make change toward improved environmental infrastructure and quality of life.

EFC Staff

Ana V. Arache

Program Coordinator

Aimee Clinkhammer  
Project Scientist

Khristopher Dodson

Senior Program Manager

Kathy Forrest
Budget Administrator

Mark Lichtenstein
Executive Director and
Principal Investigator

Mandy Westerdahl
Communications Manager

Melissa Young
Senior Program Manager
Tara Baron 
Laura Cardoso  
Brad DeFrees
Gabi Levinson
Emmie Martin
Aviva Oskow 
Lisa Ruggero  
Tracy Verrier  
Project Assistants

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To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6582 (TDD).