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April 2011

Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly EFC newsletter! Inside, you'll find recent news from EPA and other partners and organizations on environmental policy and issues, new publications, upcoming events, and funding opportunities. For more information, please feel free to contact us or visit our website.

sara signature
Sara Pesek
Environmental Finance Center

Tools and Publications
EFC Publishes Wetlands Manual

Wetlands have always been part of the ecosystem within which we live. They were, and still are in some places, maligned as "useless" and "worthless." Now we know better as we attempt to "re-engineer" wetlands systems to solve our current runoff and water quality problems. This publication is an overview of some current research based guidance on how improved natural degraded wetlands and constructed wetlands can assist us by becoming "green infrastructure" to solve runoff and water quality problems. To download a PDF of the manual and view other EFC publications, click here 


Wetlands manual 2 

EPA's Delaware River Basin Forum Now Available to View

Recently, EPA co-sponsored a live webcast for the Delaware River Basin Forum highlighting challenges to the quality and quantity of water fed from the Delaware River Basin that affect the public health of over 15 million people in Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey and New York. The recorded webcast is now available to view. For the full story, click here. For more information and to view recorded proceedings, click here.   

Publication Discusses Value of Green Infrastructure

A new report by the Center for Clean Air Policy Urban Leaders Adaptation Initiative suggests that incorporating adaptation best practices into city planning strategies can have positive effects on community resilience, human health, air quality, energy demand and economic prosperity. The Value of Green Infrastructure for Urban Climate Adaptation documents the ways in which pioneering cities and counties have developed and applied proactive approaches to increase community resilience by planning for and adapting to emerging climate change impacts. For the full story, click here. To download the publication, click here 


GI report 

Conferences and Trainings
Asset Management 101 for Water and Wastewater Systems, Apr. 13

April 13, 2011

1:30 - 3:30PM ET    


This web broadcast, hosted by EPA, will provide an introduction to asset management for small drinking water and wastewater systems. Specific topics within the presentation include the five core questions of an asset management framework, real life examples heard from system managers of the benefits of implementing an asset management program, and different tools and resources available to help implement asset management practices. To learn more and to register, click here.

Southern Tier Central Annual Regional Leadership Conference, Apr. 14

April 14, 2011

7:30AM - 1:30PM     


The STC Regional Leadership Conference provides information, sharing and training opportunities for elected and appointed local government officials in Chemung, Schuyler and Steuben Counties. Classes and workshops are being planned in a variety of areas including community & economic development, financial resources, highways, municipal officials, environment and planning, court clerks and justices. EFC staff will present at the conference on Asset Management and Green Project Exchange. Cost for the conference will be $25 including lunch. To learn more and to register, click here.


Building for the Future, Apr. 21

Syracuse Center of Excellence | April 21
Syracuse, NY  

9:00 - 4:00 PM 

On April 21, the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) will offer a USGBC Education Provider Program for training in construction and demolition (C&D) waste reuse and recycling, "Building for the Future." If talking about reuse and recycling of C&D materials, writing a waste management plan, and identifying and selecting markets and haulers makes your head hurt, this training is for you. The day-long course will be taught by WasteCap Resource Solutions. Registration has been extended to April 12. For event details and to register, click here.


Smart Management for Small Communities, Apr. 27-29  

Minnowbrook Conference Center | April 27-29
Blue Mountain Lake, NY 


MNBK 2011 

Continuing in the EFC tradition, our annual local leaders conference at Minnowbrook Conference Center in Blue Mountain Lake in the Adirondacks will focus on the needs of municipal leaders and provide technical assistance, funding updates and practical skill-building sessions. Speakers will address pressing environmental topics, equipping attendees with the tools needed to address environmental challenges in our communities. Recent confirmed speakers include representatives from NYS DEC, Cornell Waste Management Institute, and more. For a preliminary agenda, more information, and to register, click here.

EFC Assists US Virgin Islands with Developing Plan for Sustainable Materials Management

In early March, Environmental Finance Center (EFC) Principle Investigator Mark Lichtenstein facilitated a discussion between representatives from the Virgin Islands Recycling Partnership (VIRP) and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 2 Administrator Judith Enck to address the issue of sustainable materials management for the Virgin Islands. From the group's discussion, a plan of action will be created that will be utilized to mobilize government leaders, community and environmental groups, and citizens to work towards the goal of a more sustainable Virgin Islands. Key steps outlined include reducing waste, creating a comprehensive recycling plan, and integrating a robust compost program. For the full story, click here.  


US Virgin Islands Conference 

EPA Proposes to Grant Clean Air Act Petition to Improve Air Quality in New Jersey

In late March, EPA proposed to grant a petition submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to limit sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from a Pennsylvania power plant that are adversely impacting air quality in four New Jersey counties. The proposed rule, when final, would require the Portland Generating Station in Northampton County, Pa. to reduce its SO2 emissions by 81 percent over a three-year period. Exposure to SO2 can aggravate asthma and cause other respiratory difficulties. For the full story, click here

Coming Together for Clean Water Strategy Released

Recently, EPA has released Coming Together for Clean Water: EPA's Strategy to Protect America's Waters. The Coming Together for Clean Water strategy presents a framework for how EPA's national water program will address the challenges and highlights EPA's priorities for achieving clean water goals.  This strategy focuses on the following key areas: ensuring transparency and effectively reporting on the status of the health of all waters; increasing protection of source waters and healthy watersheds; restoring degraded waters and ecosystems; reducing the amount of pollution entering our waters that impact our health and our economy; and tackling new and emerging threats to our waters in a way that will ensure healthier, more livable communities. For more information, click here

EFC Joins Forces with EPA's Waste Wise Program

Recently, EFC became an endorser of EPA's Waste Wise Program. As an endorser, EFC will continue to play a crucial role in conserving resources and preventing pollution through expanding waste reduction programs and adopting innovative strategies proven to maximize efforts in areas such as food recovery, buildings, electronics, and transport packaging. In addition, EFC will act as environmental leaders by way of recruiting other organizations in becoming Waste Wise partners by providing promotional, educational, and technical information about how to maximize the conservation of resources and preventing wastes. For more information on Waste Wise, click here.
EPA Submits for Public Comment the Next Round of Safe Drinking Water Act Contaminant Monitoring

EPA is proposing 30 currently unregulated contaminants for monitoring in water systems, and submitting a proposal for public comment as part of its commitment to implement sensible protections of drinking water for communities across the country, and as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act. The comment period will allow the public and other stakeholders to provide input on the selection of new contaminants for monitoring, and will help determine the best path forward as the EPA seeks to collect data that will inform future decisions about how best to protect drinking water. For the full story, click here

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 Khristopher Dodson
Communications and Program Manager

Kathy Forrest
Administrative Assistant

Mark Lichtenstein
 Principal Investigator

Carissa Matthews
Outreach Program Manager

Evan Newell
Program Manager

Sara Pesek
EFC Director

Mandy Westerdahl
Outreach and Education Project Specialist

Melissa Young
Program Manager

Interns: Kathy Antigua | Samantha Cremona
Paul Goldner |
Adam Maurer | Joe Palumbo
Lisa Ruggero  

Please visit our website, efc.syracusecoe.org, or
contact us at efc@syracusecoe.org.
In This Issue
EFC Publishes Wetlands Manual
EPA's Delaware River Basin Forum Now Available to View
Publication Discusses Value of Green Infrastructure
Asset Management 101 for Water and Wastewater Systems, Apr. 13
Southern Tier Central Annual Regional Leadership Conference, Apr. 14
Building for the Future, Apr. 21
Smart Management for Small Communities, Apr. 27-29
EFC Assists US Virgin Islands with Developing Plan for Sustainable Materials Management
EPA Proposes to Grant Clean Air Act Petition to Improve Air Quality in New Jersey
Coming Together for Clean Water Strategy Released
EFC Joins Forces with EPA's Waste Wise Program
EPA Submits for Public Comment the Next Round of Safe Drinking Water Act Contaminant Monitoring
Upcoming Events

Apr. 6, 2011:

Conference on Small Community Systems and their Design; Riverhead, NY



Apr. 13, 2011:  

Asset Management 101 for Water and Wastewater Systems, Webinar 



Apr. 13, 2011:

Farms, Folks, and Funding: Cultivating Leadership Through Research and Practice; Canandaigua, NY.



Apr. 14, 2011:

Southern Tier Central Annual Regional Leadership Conference; Corning, NY.



Apr. 21, 2011:

Building for the Future - Training in Construction and Demolition Recycling; Syracuse, NY



Apr. 27-29, 2011:

Smart Management for Small Communities: Practical Resources for Governance; Blue Mountain Lake, NY.



May 1-4, 2011:

NY Federation Conference Solid Waste & Recycling Tracks with Trade Show; Bolton Landing, NY.



May 17-18, 2011:

22nd Annual Nonpoint Source Pollution Conference; Saratoga Springs, NY.

Funding Opportunities   


EPA National Tribal Water Council Funding

Applications due Apr. 11



Environmental Education Grants  

Applications due May 2 


Better Buildings Sub-Grants

Applications due May 17



Helpful links for funding sources, as well as a number of published funding guides, can be found here at the EFC website.

Featured GPE Project

Green Project Exchange™ is a user-driven database that showcases innovative, environmentally focused projects from across New York State.

This month's featured project is Huntington EECO Homes, a Tiered Delivery Home Energy Efficiency Program that provides energy education and energy efficiency services to interested homeowners.A graduated or tiered program is intended to maximize outreach and is scalable in size and complexity if, and when, additional public resources become available. The EECO Homes program in collaboration with non-profit Long Island Green (LIG) will provide free home energy audits by Trained Energy Efficiency Technicians to 2,000 homes in the town of Huntington over the course of three years.

About EFC

The Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University facilitates the development of sustainable and resilient communities across US EPA Region 2 (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and eight tribal nations). Located at the SyracuseCoE Center for Sustainable Community Solutions, EFC enhances the administrative and financial capacities of state and local government officials, nonprofit organizations, and private sectors to make change toward improved environmental infrastructure and quality of life.