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Welcome to the latest edition of the Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center eNews! Inside, you'll find recent news from EPA and other partners and organizations on environmental policy and issues, new publications, funding opportunities, and events. 
Inaugural 2013 Community Summit on Green Infrastructure Sets Stage for 2014 Summit

The first-ever 2013 Community Summit on Green Infrastructure--hosted in partnership by Onondaga County, the City of Syracuse, and the Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center in October of last year--has set the stage for a 2014 Summit in Cleveland, Ohio. The  Summit brought together delegates from EPA-identified Green Infrastructure Partner Communities and Green Infrastructure Technical Assistance Communities, as well as other metropolitan areas making advancements in stormwater management across the country.     


The 2014 Summit will follow the unique format developed by the SU-EFC for the 2013 event. EPA will follow up with targeted communities and stakeholders with a formal invitation in July or August.


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SU-EFC Leads Town of Dewitt Rain Barrel Program

In March of 2014, SU-EFC began work on a two-year program focused on rain barrel workshops and distribution to households in the Town of DeWitt. Together with the Onondaga Environmental Institute (OEI), SU-EFC plans to distribute up to 1,200 rain barrels to residents in the Franklin Park and Park Hill neighborhoods by conducting as many at 12 rain barrel workshops over the course of the program.  


To date, SU-EFC and OEI have conducted three workshops, and 112 barrels have been distributed to DeWitt homeowners. There are two workshops scheduled for July 23 at Carrier Park in the Town of DeWitt.

Under the terms of an agreement with the U.S. EPA, the City of Buffalo will host nine community recycling events to collect fluorescent light bulbs, electronic waste, and household hazardous waste from city residents. This program will reduce the likelihood of exposure by residents to harmful chemicals found in these products, while also reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills.


The agreement settles violations of hazardous waste requirements. In September 2008, the EPA found violations of hazardous waste rules and cited Buffalo for failure to make hazardous waste determinations for its used fluorescent bulbs, and failure to properly maintain its facilities in a way that minimizes the chance of hazardous waste releases.


Workshops, Trainings & Webinars
Cornell's RAPP Program Demonstrates Agricultural Plastics Recycling at August 2014 Empire Farm Days

Recyclers working with Cornell University's Recycling Agricultural Plastics Program (RAPP) are now able to process virtually all types of used farm plastics. 
RAPP will showcase an array of these products, as well as supplies and equipment for storing and compacting used plastic, at Empire Farm Days, August 5-7, 2014.   


Find RAPP at Booth #500, just outside the main entrance to the Cornell Building. Empire Farm Days will be held at the Rodman Lott & Son Farms on NY-414, just south of the village of Seneca Falls, NY.

US Composting Council Webinar on Managing Compost Odors 
Odor Control 101: Practical Guide to Managing Odor
Wednesday, July 23, 1-2:30 pm

This webinar will provide a review of the prevention of compost odors, the conditions that underlie odor problems, and the issues they can cause. This webinar will be led by Dr. Gary Felton, Professor and Extension Agricultural Engineer at the University of Maryland.

SU-EFC Releases New Guides in 2014 New York State Guidebook Series

SU-EFC is creating a Resource Guidebook Series to aid local officials in various aspects of rural municipal governance and assistance in New York State. The following guidebooks are currently available on the SU-EFC website: Comprehensive Plan Development, Succession Planning, Grant Writing, Capital Improvement Planning, and Zoning Board of Appeals. The final guidebook in the series, Planning Boards, will be available soon.
To order free hard copies of publications, contact Khris Dodson at


Download the Report 

U.S. EPA Releases Video on Security of Drinking Water and Wastewater Utilities

The U.S. EPA recently released a new video that highlights the importance of developing a security culture at drinking water and wastewater utilities. It describes how Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department implemented some of the key features of a protective program and how the utility benefited from its enhanced security.  


Watch the Video 

Next Steps for Managing Freshwater Resources in a Changing Climate

Next Steps for Managing Freshwater Resources in a Changing Climate summarizes recommendations for implementing the National Action Plan: Priorities for Managing Freshwater Resources in a Changing Climate. The report was developed by the Water Resources Adaptation to Climate Change Work-group that supports the Advisory Committee on Water Information. Topics include data and information for decision-making; vulnerability assessment; water use efficiency and conservation; integrated water resource management; and capacity building in training and outreach. 


City Regions as Landscapes for People, Food and Nature 

Developed by The Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative, City Regions as Landscapes for People, Food and Nature is a new take on integrated landscapes that highlights important linkages between cities, peri-urban areas and rural areas. Challenges like poverty, climate change, and growing demand for resources are issues faced across the urban rural continuum, and they all relate to food.
Funding Opportunities
Upper Delaware River Wetland Restoration 
This Funding Opportunity describes work to be performed for the Service in restoration of 30 acres of wet meadow/shallow emergent wetland habitat within the Upper Delaware River watershed.

Closing Date: September 1, 2014
Award Ceiling: $106,000
Expected Number of Awards: 1
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Eligible Applicants: All potential applicants are eligible 
Cedar Tree Foundation Grants
The Cedar Tree Foundation provides grant funding in the areas of Environmental Education (development), Environmental Health, and Sustainable Agriculture. Particular consideration is given to proposals demonstrating strong elements of environmental justice and/or conservation within the program areas listed above.

Closing Date: Letters of Interest (LOIs) are accepted on a rolling basis. LOIs are reviewed four times a year (November, January, March, and June).
Award Amount: $4,000-$60,000 
Expected Number of Awards: Varies
Eligible Applicants: Applicants must be a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization that is not a private foundation. 
In This Issue
SU-EFC in the Caribbean News 
SU-EFC and EAST Offer Free Composting Training in USVI

Market-goers had the opportunity to participate in a free hands-on composting training at the St. Thomas' Sustainable Sunday Bordeaux Farmer's Market on May 25. Ana Arache, SU-EFC composting expert, educated participants about the importance of diverting organics from landfills, the types of materials that can be composted, and various composting methods.       


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Stewards Graduate from SU-EFC Sustainable Materials Management Program     

On May 24, stewards graduated from SU-EFC's Sustainable Materials Management stewardship Program in Puerto Rico. For the past four months, stewards have been working to establish recycling and composting systems in more than 20 schools in municipalities across Puerto Rico. 


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About Us
The Syracuse Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University facilitates the development of sustainable and resilient communities throughout US EPA Region 2 (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and eight tribal nations), across the US, and internationally. 
Located at the SyracuseCoE Center for Sustainable Community Solutions, Syracuse EFC enhances the administrative and financial capacities of state and local government officials, nonprofit organizations, and private sectors to make change toward improved environmental infrastructure and quality of life.


Syracuse EFC Staff

Ana V. Arache

Project Assistant

Lydia Brinkley

Research Assistant

Laura Cardoso  

Program Coordinator


Sarnai Davaadagva
Project Assistant 


Brad DeFrees

Program Coordinator

Khristopher Dodson

Associate Director

Caitlin Eger

Project Assistant

Kathy Forrest

Budget Administrator


Kaira T. Fuentes
Project Assistant  


Mark Lichtenstein

Executive Director and

Principal Investigator


Mónica Salazar Ortiz

Project Assistant

Kate Palermo



Lisa Ruggero

Project Assistant


Brandon Strouse  

Communications Assistant


Lucy Tomkiewicz  

Communications Assistant


Mandy Westerdahl

Communications Manager

Kyle Wilkinson

Project Assistant  

Melissa Young

Assistant Director

Please visit our website,, 


contact us at


Environmental Finance Center programs and projects are supported in part by funding from USDA-RD and EPA.

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, and familial status.  

To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6582 (TDD).   


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